Campus Calendar

Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) to sunset semester-long Enloe S.C.R.U.B.S. Program

Announced on: Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2024

Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) has announced that it will no longer be accepting applications for its Enloe Health S.C.R.U.B.S. program effective Spring 2025. This decision comes as part of the organization's re-evaluation of semester-long programs and community needs.


CAVE continues to offer impactful volunteer opportunities, such as Torres Shelter and Boys & Girls Club, to Chico State students. CAVE continues to look for new one-time and semester-long service opportunities for students looking to get involved on campus and off. We are currently exploring options for new programs and would love your feedback.

Know of an organization in need of support?  We want to hear suggestions about new ideas and opportunities that will help us continue fulfilling a broad base of community needs in Chico. Our goal is to learn more about opportunities people are interested in, identify potential partnership opportunities with local, and non-profit organizations, and assess unmet community needs for program alignment.

Please fill out this form to put in your semester-long suggestions, along with any one-time event opportunities (known as Weekend Wildcats) you'd like to see CAVE offer in the future!

Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE) is a program of the Associated Students. For more information about CAVE or the AS, please visit our website at or on social media @chicostateCAVE on Instagram and Facebook, and @aschicostate on TikTok and YouTube. Too many emails? Sign up for text notifications here.