Chico Affordable Learning Solutions (CAL$)

Kristina Carter

I made my own book with free resources for a brand new class on our campus. HCSV 211 Foundations to Health Education. 

This is the first course students who are Health Science majors who have an emphasis in Health Education. Because this course is a one of a kind (I tried to find another CSU with a similar class to help with curriculum development and textbook discover, but found nothing), I discovered several books that could be used for this class. 

I estimated needing at least five books at a cost of at least $120. I use a local print shop to make three-ring binder packets that are compilations of several free resources. The cost of the booklet is $20-24 per student. I teach this class in two sections per semester and have up to 30 students in this class that is also a writing intensive substitution class. So that is  60 students saving $100=$6,000 a semester or 12,000 per year. 

Not only is it cheaper, but it is EXACTLY the right reading material for my students and I can change it from semester to semester.  I also include forms and other content for the course (handouts, activities...) that helps save the department and me time during the semester.

Kristina Carter