Chico State Career Fairs
Local Job Fair
This event is free and open to Chico State and Butte College students and alumni looking for local part time, internship, and career job opportunities.
Career and Internship Job Fair
This event is open to students and alumni from all majors seeking career positions and internships. Employers represent business, government, non-profit, technical, healthcare and social services, including local Chico organizations. This fair is a great opportunity for students to explore career interests/options and make valuable contacts for the future.
Business Career Fair
Initiate relationships with key recruiters and explore your opportunities in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. This fair is open to all majors who are seeking internships and full time career opportunities.
College of Agriculture Career and Internship Fair
Sponsored by the College of Agriculture
The College of Agriculture hosts its own Career and Internship Fair at the University Farm Pavilion. The Career Fair is open to current students, recent graduates, and alumni looking for new opportunities.
College of Engineering Technical Career Fair
Sponsored by the College of Engineering, Computer Science and Construction Management
If you are looking for graduates and interns majoring in technical fields, this is the career fair for you. These majors include Civil Engineering, Construction Management, Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Sustainable Manufacturing, Concrete Industry Management and Applied Computer Graphics.
Grad School Fair
Students and alumni are encouraged to attend this event to learn more about specific graduate programs and the admissions process. In addition to many other colleges and universities, there will be representatives from CSU, Chico masters programs.
Education Hiring Fair
School districts from all over California are looking to meet and hire future teachers and education leaders in their districts. This career fair is a must for those who want to learn more about a career in teaching at the K-12 level, start networking early, or talk to hiring officials. Students and alumni attending the fair do not have to pre-register. The California State University, Chico Teacher Hiring Fair will attract hundreds of qualified credential candidates and alumni. The credential program at Chico State offers Multiple Subject, CLAD, BCLAD, Single Subject (in Agriculture, Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, English, Foreign Language, Geoscience, Health Science, History, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Science, Social Science), Communication Sciences and Disorders (clinical Rehabilitative Language, Speech, and Hearing/Speech Pathology), Curriculum and Instruction Education Administration, EFL/ESL: Non-Credential, Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Learners, Pupil Personnel Services (including School Psychology and Counseling), Reading/Language Arts, Rural Teacher Residency, and Special Education.