Cross-Cultural Leadership Center


The mission of the NASPA Undergraduate Fellows program is to increase the number of historically disenfranchised and underrepresented professional in student affair and higher education.

What is NUFP?

  • Provides semi-structured mentoring program for undergraduate students wishing to explore and better understand the field of Student Affairs.
  • Students, once selected, are known as Fellows, and are also given the opportunity to attend a national conference, participate in paid internships and attend the Summer Leadership Institute.

NUFP at Chico State

  • Weekly meetings September – December & January – April
  • NASPA Conference in March

2023 - 2024 NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Student Panel 

2022-2023 NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Student Panel 

 For more information contact Jamile Balli at

NUFP participants getting tips on writing their letter of intent for grad schools

Content Here