Unit-level Committees
Each fall, the Provost’s Office issues a call for nominations for faculty, student, and staff Student Learning Fee (SLF) / Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Fee Unit-level Committee members. Self-nominations are permitted, and the nominations form (PDF) should be submitted to college offices (or Student Affairs Office) by the 2nd Friday/of October at 5 pm.
Each committee is required to have a student voting majority with broad representation from within the unit. The unit head (college dean or Vice President for Student Affairs) or designee is a non-voting ex officio member of the committee responsible for organizing and conducting meetings of the committee as needed. The committee is to have a minimum of five voting members, with a minimum of seven (total) members as follows:
Non-Voting Members• Unit head or designee
• Student Senator (academic colleges only)
• AS President or designee (Student Affairs only)
Voting Members
• One (1) lower-division student (freshman or sophomore)
• Two (2) upper division, post-baccalaureate, or graduate students (junior, senior, or graduate)
• Two (2) faculty and/or staff members
Larger committee configurations may be proposed as long as a student voting majority is maintained. Where possible, voting members should come from different areas within the unit. Each unit should develop a system to select faculty, staff, and student committee members from among the nominees. Each unit is responsible for informing its nominees whether or not they were selected as committee members at least two weeks before the first meeting. The meeting schedule shall be created based on the availability of the selected committee members, including the students. The unit head (or designee), and the Student Senator or AS President (or designee), recommend the unit’s committee membership to CFAC. The Campus Fee Advisory Committee (CFAC) then approves committee rosters and any proposed alternative configurations.
Appointments to unit-level committees are for one academic year with the possibility of reappointment. Faculty, staff, and students are to serve on the committees no more than three consecutive terms. Student members must be in good academic standing (not on academic probation). Committee members who resign or are otherwise unable or unwilling to fully participate may be replaced from the pool of nominees selected by the unit head or representative.