Center for Healthy Communities

Media Photos

This page is a compilation of photos that are approved for use on marketing and media materials when showcasing CHC and its programs.

Downloading: Left-click on the desired image to save the original high resolution file.

Copyright Notice: These images belong to Center for Healthy Communities (CHC) and may only be used in conjunction with CHC related advertisements, articles, and any news or media related materials.

All images ©2022 Center for Healthy Communities

CHC Intern promoting CalFresh Food and Nutrition Education.

CHC Intern promoting CalFresh Food and Nutrition Education.

Chico State student participating in a wellness activity.

Chico State student participating in a wellness activity.

CHC's Kids Chopped Challenge.

CHC's Kids Chopped Challenge.

CHC Staff working food distribution at Chico State.

CHC Staff working food distribution at Chico State.

CHC Staff welcoming new Chico State students.

CHC Staff welcoming new Chico State students.

CHC Staff Member teaching virtual education.

CHC Staff Member teaching virtual education.

CalFresh Healthy Living woman making a smoothie.

CalFresh Healthy Living photo of woman making a smoothie.

CHC Staff Member organizing produce at Chico State.

CHC Staff Member organizing produce at Chico State.

CHC Staff and children at Farmers' Market exploring fruits and vegetables.

CHC Staff and children at Farmers' Market exploring fruits and vegetables.

CHC Staff Member talks with older adult about CHC resources at the Farmers' Market.

CHC Staff Member talks with older adult about CHC resources at the Farmers' Market.

CHC Staff prepare healthy food tastings at Kids Farmer's Market event.

CHC Staff prepare healthy food tastings at Kids Farmer's Market event.

CHC Staff preparing tastings at a local Farmers' Market.

CHC Staff preparing tastings at a local Farmers' Market.

CHC Staff providing Market Match at Chico Farmers' Market.

CHC Staff providing Market Match at Chico Farmers' Market.

Chico State student shopping at the Farmers' Market.

Chico State student shopping at the Farmers' Market.

Student using EBT and Market Match at the Farmers' Market.

Student using EBT and Market Match at the Farmers' Market.

Button with CHC Logo in lettuce.

Button with CHC Logo in lettuce.

EBT and Market Match tokens on top of carrots.

EBT and Market Match tokens on top of carrots.

EBT and Market Match tokens on top of swiss chard.

EBT and Market Match tokens on top of swiss chard.

Media & News