Honors in the Major
As detailed in the University catalog, departments and programs may offer an honors program within their major. In Child Development, the honors program is designed as a program of independent work within the major. It requires 6 units of honors course work completed over the two final semesters of the student’s undergraduate program. The process begins with Child Development faculty creating a list of research interests. Students eligible for the honors program select a faculty member based on shared interests and work closely with the faculty over the year-long process. This collaboration allows students to work in their field at a professional level and culminates in a public presentation of work. Students sometimes take their projects beyond the University for submission to professional journals, presentations at conferences, or academic competitions. Such experience is valuable for graduate school and professional life. Honors work is recognized at graduation, on permanent transcripts, and on the diploma. It is often accompanied by letters of commendation from the faculty member sponsoring and mentoring the student.
Qualifications for Honors in the Child Development Program:
Successful completion of 9 units of upper-division coursework or 21 units in your major.
Successful completion of CHLD 353, the writing proficiency course in Child Development.
A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5 or placement within the top 5% of all University majors.
A GPA of at least 3.5 in Child Development coursework or placement within the top 5% of Child Development majors.
Agreement with a faculty member in Child Development to serve as a sponsor and mentor for your honors coursework.
Completed application within the designated time period
Specifics of the honors coursework in the Child Development Program:
Students should determine their eligibility for the program
Before beginning their final two semesters of their undergraduate program, students who are eligible and interested in the Child Development honors program should contact faculty members with research interests that match their own using the list provided by the Child Development Program
After locating a faculty member who agrees to work with the eligible student, the student should complete and turn in an application for the honors program within the designated time period.
After being formally accepted into the program, the eligible student makes an agreement with the interested faculty member to sponsor and mentor them in their two-semester honors program.
In the semester previous to the student’s final semester, the student enrolls in an independent study, 499H, with their faculty sponsor and mentor. This course is managed through a student/faculty contract.
The student must complete each honors class with a minimum grade of B.
Honors Faculty Areas of Research Interest
For more information, contact Dr. Gail Walton gwalton@csuchico.edu