Tools for the Classroom
Reflection is integral to civic engagement and helps connect applied learning activities to course content.
- Reflection Activity Quick Chart: (PDF) reflection activities by type and length
- Reflection Activities (PDF): a great list of comprehensive "how to's"
Sample Syllabi
- Sample Syllabi by Discipline(opens in new window)
- Sample Syllabus statements:
- Service Learning Activities: During this class you will participate in four required service learning activities, each of which will be 2 - 4 hours in length and will occur outside of regular class time. Course Units are designed around these Service Learning opportunities, in-class collaborative activities and special projects that provide hands-on practice in accomplishing the Course Objectives.
- Service learning is “a teaching method that promotes student learning through active participation in meaningful and planned service experiences in the community that are directly related to course content. Through reflective activities, students enhance their understanding of course content, general knowledge, sense of civic responsibility, self-awareness and commitment to the community. This makes service learning a very different experience than community service.” (Best Practices, CSU (PDF) [If you need special accommodation to access this document, please contact the Office of Accessible Technology and Services.]).