SLS works primarily with students in helping them understand their rights and responsibilities. These areas include but are not limited to: grade disputes, Title IX, the student disciplinary process, and general on-campus or classroom issues. This department also provides legal information regarding how to file a guardianships, how to file a name change, and conservatorships. SLS also provides referrals to other agencies that can be of assistance regarding these issues (I.e. SHARP, Butte County Public Law Library).
Student Legal Services and Juvenile Rights
Frequently Asked Questions: Student Issues
All answers regarding student issues listed below are referenced directly from the Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities Office at CSU, Chico.
1. My professor has accused me of cheating, what does this mean?
Academic integrity is defined as "a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. From these values flow principles of behavior that enable academic communities to translate ideals to action."
Cheating is intentional fraud or deception for the purpose of improving a grade or obtaining course credit and includes all behavior intended to gain unearned academic advantage. Cheating includes either helping or attempting to help another person cheat.
Students share with faculty and administrators and staff members the responsibility for academic integrity.
It is the faculty member's discretion whether to report (SCRR office file only) or refer (student is to go through administrative conduct process).
(Executive Memorandum 18-011 Policy on Academic Integrity) in new window)
2. My professor failed me but I do not think that is the grade I deserve, what can I do?
You can file a grade appeal with the Student, Rights, and Responsibilities (OSRR) office. A grade appeal is a dispute arising out of a final grade given by a member of the faculty that is based on an error, arbitrary or capricious, or not in alignment with the grading criteria provided in the course syllabus. Formal grade appeals are initiated only after all attempts at informal resolution have been exhausted through the Department and College Level Review. Initial Notices of Dispute must be filed with OSRR no later than ten (10) instructional days of the commencement of the semester immediately subsequent to the semester in which the student received the grade in question. You can find this information and more at their webpage.
Grade Appeals - Office of Student, Rights, and responsibilities - Chico State
3. How can I file a grievance against a professor?
A student can initiate a complaint by completing a “Notice of Complaint” with OSRR. The notice must be completed within 10 days of the start of the following semester after the grievable action occurred. This form can be found in the Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities office located in SSC 180 or the OSRR website.
Student Complaints - Office of Student, Rights, and Responsibilities - Chico State
Students have the right to try to resolve the situation informally. The Notice of Complaint is the beginning of the informal resolution process. Students are given 15 instructional days to meet with their professor, and if not satisfied, their Department Chair and College Dean.
If the student feels there is no resolution, within the 15 days, they may file a request for a formal student complaint hearing. (Executive Memorandum 20-013) in new window)
4. What is disciplinary probation?
According to Executive Order 1098, Disciplinary Probation is “A designated period of time during which privileges of continuing in Student status are conditioned upon future behavior. Conditions may include the potential loss of specified privileges to which a current student would otherwise be entitled, or the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to violate the Student Conduct Code or any University policy during the probationary period”. (Executive Order 1098, pg. 21) (PDF)
Student Conduct Procedures - Chico State (PDF)
Disciplinary Probation: Frequently Asked Questions - Chico State (PDF)
5. I have a meeting with Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities SCRR), what does that mean?
Student, Rights, and Responsibilities (OSRR) is the office responsible for ensuring that student rights and responsibilities under Title 5 of the Education Code are upheld. Student behavior that is not consistent with the Student Conduct Code is addressed through an educational process designed to promote safety, good citizenship and, when necessary, impose appropriate consequences. (OSRR-FAQs)
Student-Conduct-Rights-Responsibilities-FA - Chico State (PDF)
At the first meeting a Student Conduct Coordinator/Administrator explains the student’s rights and reviews how the conduct process works. OSRR then shares the information received about the incident including who is accusing the student, date, time, circumstances of the incident, etc. The student has an opportunity to respond and ask any questions they have and/or share anything they feel is important. It is our office's hope that the conference meeting is an opportunity for an open and honest discussion about the incident. In most cases, the student charged and OSRR are able to agree on a mutually acceptable resolution. The resolution takes into account the seriousness of the charge, the evidence, the student’s honesty and/or acknowledgment of their responsibility, any student needs specific to the violation (alcohol/drug treatment, counseling services, academic assistance, restitution, etc.), and/or previous disciplinary incidents. The resolution is written up in a settlement agreement that both the student and OSRR sign. The settlement agreement outlines the agreed upon conditions and becomes part of the student’s confidential educational record. If the student and OSRR are not able to agree on a mutually acceptable resolution, the student has the right to proceed to a formal disciplinary hearing. (OSRR-FAQs)
OSRR website can be found here
Student-Conduct-Rights-Responsibilities-FA - Chico State (PDF)
6. What is a formal Hearing?
If a mutually acceptable resolution cannot be reached, formal procedures commence by providing the student with a written Notice of Hearing. The formal hearing process provides a prompt, fair and impartial resolution to the matter. A Hearing Officer appointed by the University President conducts a closed, confidential proceeding. Both the Student and the Student Conduct Administrator may offer evidence and question witnesses. The Hearing Officer may also question witnesses. Student attendance is not mandatory. If a student declines to participate, the Hearing will proceed without the student’s presence. (OSRR-FAQs )
Student-Conduct-Rights-Responsibilities-FA - Chico State (PDF)
7. Can someone accompany me to the conference meeting and/or hearing?
An advisor may accompany a student to a disciplinary conference. If a student elects to bring an attorney-advisor, the student must give Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities five (5) working days’ notice of the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the attorney-advisor. The role of the attorney advisor and non-attorney advisor in the student disciplinary process are the same. (OSRR-FAQs)
Student-Conduct-Rights-Responsibilities-FA - Chico State (PDF)
- More information on role of advisors in hearings can be found in Student Conduct Procedures (Executive Order 1098). (PDF)
8. A student sexually assaulted me, what do I do?
If you have been sexually assaulted you can contact the Title IX Coordinator to file a complaint and/or see other resources, such as, Safeplace.
(opens in new window)The Women's Law Project at CLIC may also be able to assist with any questions or concerns you may have.
Frequently Asked Questions: Juvenile Rights/Guardianship Issues
1. What is the process for filing for guardianship?
According to the California Courts website, Guardianship is when a court orders someone other than the child’s parent to have custody of the child, manage the child's property (called “estate”), or both. You can find frequently asked questions about Guardianships at the California Courts website in new window).
In order to become a guardian, you must file papers with the court and go through several steps leading up to a court hearing. In general, you do not have to have a lawyer, however, it takes quite a bit of time and energy to fill out your court forms and to "give notice" to all relatives. (Judicial Council of California) in new window)
In Butte County please contact the Self-Help Assistance and Referral Program (SHARP) from the Butte County Superior Courts. Their website is very helpful and provides step-by-step instructions on filling out the forms and other resources. in new window)
2. What is the process for a legal name change?
According to the California Courts website, in order to change your name legally, you must file various forms with the court that lead up to a hearing. However, some of these steps can be slightly different, depending on the circumstance, for example, if you are an adult or minor. (Judicial Council of California) in new window)
In Butte County please contact the Self-Help Assistance and Referral Program (SHARP) from the Butte County Superior Courts. Their website is very helpful and provides step-by-step instructions on filling out the forms and other resources. in new window)