Special Recognition
The chair of the Kinesiology department, Dr. Kevin Patton, was recognized as the Honorary Marshal for the 2019 College of Communication and Education Master's Commencement. He is devoted to "fostering the success of his students through his roles as a teacher, mentor and scholar. He embodies the teacher-scholar model, and the recognition of his work by disciplinary associations illustrates his significant contributions to the field."
Chiara Ferrari, professor in Media Arts, Design, and Technology, has been selected as one of the 2019 Lantis Endowed University Chairs. Ferrari plans to use the Lantis professorship toward the creation of a documentary film about the city of Matera in Italy in a project focusing on film location, film-induced tourism, and cultural heritage. Through collaboration across different university departments, the project will provide a holistic look at how film representation can be interpreted and connected to broader elements of cultural heritage. The research will be shared in a public interdisciplinary presentation that will accompany the opening of two exhibits in 2021, one at the Jacki Headley University Art Gallery and one at the Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology.
Dr. Maris Thompson, associate professor in the School of Education, is one of seven honorees to be recognized with the University’s Professional Achievement Honor. Her three research areas are immigration and schooling, literacy and teacher education, and diversity and equity in education. The honor is in recognition of exemplary teacher-scholar achievement on campus. The honorees are selected by peers who serve on the University’s Faculty Recognition and Support Committee.