Student Grievance and Complaint Process
From time to time, a problem or conflict within the CMSD program may occur between students, student and faculty, or student and staff. Grievances related to grades, university services, and academic programs on and off campus may be resolved either by an informal or formal process.
Should an issue arise, the student is encouraged to communicate with the individuals directly involved. If more assistance is needed, the student should seek consultation from the immediate supervisor (faculty or clinical instructor). If the issue is still unresolved, the student should consult the Clinical Director for a clinical issue and Program Director for an academic issue.
The Director will meet with the student individually, and if necessary, collectively with the parties to provide facilitated conversation in an effort resolve the conflict.
Should a conflict arise in an internship setting, the University Supervisor serves as the initial mediator and the Clinic Director is appraised of the situation. If no solution is found, the Clinic Director becomes actively involved. At any time, the Program Director may be involved and meet with the individuals concerned.
The program faculty will make every effort to resolve any issue within the program; however, if no solution is found, the student may pursue informal or formal grievance procedures as described in the university catalog. At any time during this process students may contact Chico State Ombuds at 530-898-3955 or Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities, Kendall Hall 110, 530-898-6897.
Any concern related to potential violation of CAA standards can be submitted to the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700).
For specific procedures, view CAA Complaint Procedures(opens in new window).