College of Business

Faculty & Staff Directory

Information Systems, Finance & Accounting

Portrait of Emily Huang
Emily Huang
Portrait of Saurav Dutta
Saurav Dutta
Portrait of Crystal Gervasi
Crystal Gervasi
Portrait of Jaycob Arbogast
Jaycob Arbogast
Portrait of Dalen Chiang
Dalen Chiang
Portrait of James Connolly
James Connolly
Portrait of Jianliang Hao
Jianliang Hao
Portrait of Qingzhong Ma
Qingzhong Ma
Portrait of Parand Mansouri-Rad
Parand Mansouri-Rad
Portrait of David Rowe
David Rowe
Portrait of Kent Sandoe
Kent Sandoe
Portrait of Jaebong Son
Jaebong Son
Portrait of Robert Sprague
Robert Sprague
Portrait of Carol Trivedi
Carol Trivedi
Portrait of Xinyu Wei
Xinyu Wei
Portrait of Fang Zhao
Fang Zhao