College of Business

Domestic Applicants

Pursuing your MBA program at Chico State requires research, planning, and preparation in advance of submitting your application. The application itself is also a multi-step process. The application process shown here is for the in-person MBA program. If you are interested in our online MBA program, please go to the online MBA program(opens in new window) pages for details.

Admission based on:

  1. Completion of a bachelor's degree.
  2. Competitive GPA of at least 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale) over the last 60 units of credit and 3.0 over the last 30 units of credit.
  3. Current resume: business experience is recommended but not required.
  4. Statement of purpose: 1-2 page essay addressing the following -
    • Why do you want to get an MBA?
    • Why would you like to attend Chico State for your MBA?
    • What makes you an outstanding MBA candidate?
  5. We offer expedited Admissions decisions. A letter of recommendation is no longer required!

Step 1: Research

  • Consider which option you would like to pursue: General MBA, MBA option in Project Management (PRMG), or MBA option in Business Analytics.
  • Determine your eligibility for MBA scholarships and grants.
  • An undergraduate degree in business is not required. However, there are six course areas that students may need to take prerequisite courses or online modules to prepare for MBA courses.

Step 2: Apply Online

Our program, like all California State University campuses, uses Cal State Apply(opens in new window) for all domestic applications. 

  • To start our program in the fall, submit your application by April 29
  • To start our program in the spring, submit your application by November 1

Step 3: Decisions

Your application is considered complete once your online application and all supplemental materials have been received. Decisions will be made on a rolling basis until space fills. Applicants will be notified of the decision via email from the MBA Director. 

Chico State MBA Program

Questions? Contact Us!

MBA Program Advisor
Jill Rice

Online MBA Applicants

International Applicants

MBA Graduates

Join our MBA program!

Fall Semester:
Opens October 1st and closes April 1st for international students.

Opens October 1st and closes April 29th for domestic students.

Spring Semester:
Opens August 1st and closes October 1 for international students.

Opens August 1st and closes November 1st for domestic students.