California Pavement Preservation Center

Innovation Database

Use the innovation database!(opens in new window)

The objectives of developing an innovation database(opens in new window) are to help streamline the process for implementing innovation and new products in the areas of pavement preservation and to encourage technical transfer through dissemination of information through a web site. Version One of the innovation database has been developed by the innovation subgroup and the CP2 Center.

Caltrans’ new innovation projects, such as RAC-O-HB, Interlayer, Fog and Rejuvenation Seal, Chip Seal, Warm Mix, CIR, and European quiet pavement are being stored in the database. The database is securely installed at the College of Engineering of CSU, Chico and is currently maintained by CP2 Center staff.  Users can obtain usernames and passwords from the Center to log in to the database. The database is capable of receiving innovation proposals, storing comments from reviewers, and approving innovations by a PPTG Chair.

Caltrans Innovation Approval Procedure (PDF).

There are five different groups of users for the database.  The following are the basic roles for each group:
• General Public - This group was created to help disseminate innovation.  They can log in using “guest” for both username and password.  After login, they can browse, view innovations, and search innovations by keywords.  But they can not comment, edit, or submit proposals.

• Champions or Innovators - This user group can submit new proposals and view others’ innovations.  They can also submit a file with their proposals.  The format of the file can be a picture, Word, or PDF. For security reasons, they can edit their own innovations but they can not edit proposals submitted by other champions or innovators. Users manual for Champions or Innovators (PDF).
• Innovation Committee or Reviewers - This user group can review and comment on the innovations submitted.  They can also see the comments created by themselves or others, but they cannot edit any innovation submitted. Users manual for Innovation committee or reviewers (PDF).

• CP2 Center Staff  - This user group can add or edit new users to the database in addition to having all the functions of innovation committee members. Users manual for CP2 Staff (PDF).
• PPTG Chair - this user group can approve innovation status to pre-proposal, proposal, and final report besides the functions of innovation committee members. Users manual for PPTG Chair (PDF).
In summary, the innovation database was created to help streamline the Caltrans’ innovation procedure and disseminating innovation information.  The web site can be accessed by clicking on the link below. in new window)

Innovation Database Login Screenshot