Pavement Preservation Task Groups
Federal Highway Administration(opens in new window)
FHWA Construction(opens in new window)
FHWA Pavement Preservation(opens in new window)
Asphalt Interlayer Association(opens in new window)
National Center for Pavement Preservation(opens in new window)
Foundation for Pavement Preservation(opens in new window)
AASHTO Subcommittee on Maintenance(opens in new window)
UC Berkeley Technology Transfer(opens in new window)
Western Pavement Preservation Partnership
- Partnership between Caltrans, Nevada, Washington and Hawaii DOT’s. Other western states will be added.
- Provides a partnering forum for promoting effective pavement preservation.
- Provides funds for workshops and training, for special studies, and practical research.
- Provides a means to share technologies of mutual interest.
The purpose of the Western Pavement Preservation Partnership is to provide a partnering forum for promoting effective pavement preservation forum strategies through the following objectives:
- Provide funds for a multi-day annual workshop for discussion and exchange of information and knowledge about each state's pavement preservation program
- Provide a means to define, support and share technology of mutual interest
- Provide funds for formal training presentations during the annual workshop
- Provide funds for management support of WPPP
- Provide funds for special studies, investigations, research and training