Computer Science


To apply for scholarships, submit your application by February 1. There is NOsupplemental application required for CSCI. in new window)

Listed are the scholarships awarded by the Department of Computer Science each year:

  • Chevron Scholarship: Funds donated by Chevron.
  • Joyce and George Arnovick Scholarship: Funds donated by George and Joyce Arnovick (Professor Emeritus, CSCI at CSU Chico), additional contribution by Rick Hubbard (past student of Prof. Arnovick and alumni of CSCI)
  • Jeffrey Hagen Memorial Scholarship: In memory of Jeffrey Hagen, BS and MS in CSCI at CSU Chico. Funds donated by family.
  • Dale Stevenson Memorial Scholarship: In memory of Dale Stevenson, CSCI Tech Shop manager while CSCI was still at Siskiyou Hall. Funds donated by colleagues.
  • Andrew Southard Memorial Scholarship: In memory of Andy Southard, a CSCI student. He died in an auto accident at Bidwell Park when he was a sophomore here. Funds donated by family.
  • Patty Ratliff Memorial Scholarship: In memory of Patty Ratliff (Assistant Professor, CSCI). Funds donated by colleagues.
  • Ray Stapleton Family Scholarship: In memory of Ray Stapleton (Prof. Stapleton's father). Funds donated by Robert and Tess Stapleton and friends of the family.
  • Lt. Robert Merton Rawlins Merit Award (University award): Funds donated by family.
  • David and Karen Egly Memorial Scholarship: In memory of Dave Egly (CSUC graduate June 1962) and his daughter Karen Egly (CSUS graduate May 1986).

Our Computer Science students received 17 scholarships to be used during the 2005-2006 academic year.