Our department processes agreements for Chico State Enterprises (CSE) and the University Foundation (UF). We must adhere to state, federal, and CSE policies and procedures to ensure best business practices are followed.
A signed agreement is required in advance of procuring services from a vendor, i.e. before work starts. An agreement may come in various formats, such as a signed Purchase Order, Vendor Contract, and Independent Contractor (IC) Agreement. All agreement types must be made out to the entity name paying the bill, CSE or the UF, and not Chico State. All three are legal, separate entities. To be valid, an agreement of any format must be signed by an authorized CSE Finance and Accounting Manager only. Failure to comply with this rule may result in potential personal liability and impact reimbursement.
Submit unsigned agreements to cseagreements@csuchico.edu for review and approval along with a signed PO Request form(opens in new window) (except for IC agreements). Please note, additional required documentation may need to be collected or the agreement terms updated, before signature.
CSE-approved agreements must be in place prior to the start of any contracted work. See the policy regarding timeliness of deposits, payment requests, and contracts (PDF).