Chico State Enterprises

Vendor Payments and Reimbursements

Accounts Payable is responsible for processing the following types of payments in accordance with the laws of California and applicable federal laws of the Internal Revenue Service.

  • Payment of invoices
  • Reimbursements for travel, hospitality, and business-related expenses
  • Petty cash replenishments
  • Award and Prize recipient payments
  • Donation, Stipend, Financial Aid, and Honorarium payments

Please see the following CSE Announcements for more instructions:  

Fillable Check Requests

All payment requests require the submission of a Check Request along with the appropriate CSE form for the payment type (e.g., invoices, awards, stipends, honorariums, reimbursements for travel, hospitality, etc.) being requested.  

Please send complete check requests to the appropriate Check Request Inbox below.

Check Request Inboxes

Please send complete check requests with required documentation, i.e., itemized paid receipts, hospitality information, ITSS ITPR email approval, etc., in one digital file, to the appropriate CSE AP inbox:

ufcr@csuchico.eduCheck requests for UF projects starting with 1 through 4
csecr@csuchico.eduCheck requests for CSE projects starting with 5 through 8 or JL
spcr@csuchico.eduCheck request for Sponsored projects starting with SP
farmcr@csuchico.eduCheck requests for Farm projects only