Author: Nancy Morejón
Translator(s): Pamela Carmell
ISBN: 978-0-982-7860-5-5
The poems in this collection, most translated for the first time, span a broad spectrum of love: love of family and friends, love of homeland and Havana, romantic love, lost love, the exaltation of a goddess of love, and the adoring love of Cuban artists past and present.
Of that wide-ranging love, Ms. Morejón has said, "Formo parte de una familia, una comunidad, de una nación de las que no he querido ni podido apartarme sino que las reclamo con amor en cada uno de mis gestos." (I am part of a family, a community, a nation—all of which I haven't wanted to leave behind, but rather to reach out to them with love in every one of my actions [acceptance speech, Golden Wreath Award, Struga, Macedonia, 2006]).