Dr. Zhaohong Wang
- Email: zwang25@csuchico.edu
- Phone: 530-898-4769
- Website: https://apps.csuchico.edu/directory/Employee/zwang25
Research Interests:
- Information security
- Wireless sensor network
- Information processing over networks
CURE-E Course: Real-Time Embedded Systems (EECE 437), first introduced with CURE-E Fall 2022
Project Title: Real-Time Synchronization Protocol for Distributed Systems
The proposed CURE-E project encourages students to devise a distributed protocol used among a group of embedded systems that achieves behavioral synchronization in a real-time sense. The protocol will be an effort to be an engineering invention inspired by a natural phenomenon. Upon the successful completion of the CURE-E project, students will be able to provide the following new knowledge to our discipline:
- Discover effective machine-to-machine communication methods through literature search at the beginning of the project, discussion between group partners, and ideas exchanged in the whole class presentations.
- Devise and implement their proposed protocol using formal quantitative design methods and iterations of experiment and validation.
- Summarize their design and engineering innovation in formal technical reports or peer-reviewed conference publications to disseminate the new knowledge.