Curriculum Services

2024-2025 Curriculum Deadlines

Catalog Publication and

Academic Planning Cycle Policy and Procedures


The University Catalog at Chico State is published on a one-year cycle which began with the 2011-2012 catalog. A one-year cycle helps the university better coordinate with the Degree Audit Process, Academic Advising, and a restructured curriculum review process. Deans, department chairs, and curriculum committee members should be aware of this one-year cycle for several reasons:

  1. To protect reliability of current catalog information for the many off-campus users, changes to existing programs or courses are normally approved for implementation effective with the next catalog. New degrees and courses are usually made effective for the next academic year, and will appear in that catalog. New degrees and courses will be put in the catalog as soon as possible after approval.
  2. The need for review and approval by the Academic Senate and by the Chancellor's Office and/or WASC requires lengthy lead time for technical review and timely submissions of proposals to guarantee formal approval in time for inclusion in the next catalog.
  3. Confidence in our catalog, and on- and off-campus student advising and planning, is greatly improved by having the catalog as accurate and stable as possible over the entire one-year catalog life cycle.

While we provide ample notice that changes may occur between catalogs (and such changes may be approved for compelling reasons, e.g., an accreditation requirement), it is the policy of the university to make every effort to assure the catalog's accuracy throughout the one year it is in service.

The following is the timeline for curriculum planning, course and curriculum revisions, and production of The 2024-2025 University Catalog.

NOTE: "Program" is the umbrella term for the following: degree (e.g., BA, MS,), option, credential, minor, certificate.

The 2024-2025 University Catalog Production Calendar

Note: Entries in bold pertain to curriculum

Note: Entries in italics are not related to curriculum, but may be helpful for planning

Fall 2022

Confirm plans for any NEW programs for the 2024-2025 University Catalog with Curriculum Services.

Review proposed changes to existing undergraduate programs with Curriculum Services to determine if the proposal should be a significant or minor change. Graduate program changes should be reviewed with the Office of Graduate Studies.

Schedule a meeting with Curriculum Services if your department needs assistance with procedures, paperwork requirements, and general questions.

October 1-December 15, 2022

Cal State Apply accepting applications for fall 2023.


Departments and programs are responsible for contacting the University photographer for any new photos they would like to see included in the new catalog. Photos must be delivered to the Catalog Editor in a format acceptable for Web publication. 

November 30, 2022

Deadline to submit a formal conceptual abstract (projection proposal) for new degree programs to Curriculum Services. NOTE: Conceptual abstracts for new degree programs (e.g., BS, MA) must be sent to the Chancellor's Office in time for placement on our campus Academic Master Plan in early spring, so we cannot take late submissions.

November 30, 2022

For the spring Academic Senate cycle, this is the deadline for any proposal requiring EPPC/Academic Senate review* (and in some cases CO and/or WASC review and approval). Submit proposals to Curriculum Services. Proposals submitted after November 30 and before May 31 will be scheduled for the fall Academic Senate Cycle. Please note:  It is recommended that proposals requiring Chancellor's Office approval go through the spring EPPC/Academic Senate Cycle in order to allow sufficient time for approvals and EM publication.

March 30, 2023

Advertising Deadline for Special Topics courses in order to be scheduled in time for the start of fall 2023 registration.

April 13, 2023

For the spring Academic Senate Cycle, this is the last day a proposal requiring EPPC/Academic Senate review will be given an agenda date.

April 21, 2023

Deadline to submit planned intent memos to Curriculum Services for review before they are sent to the intent distribution list.

April 24, 2023

Continuing student registration begins for fall 2023.

April 28, 2023

Last day to email Memos of Intent and other required documents to the Intent Distribution List for the spring semester.  All responses to advertised material must be made by May 12, 2023.

May 31, 2023

For the fall Academic Senate cycle, this is the deadline for any proposal requiring EPPC/Academic Senate review* (and in some cases CO and/or WASC review and approval). Submit proposals to Curriculum Services. Proposals submitted after May 31 cannot be guaranteed implementation in the 2024-2025 catalog. Please note:  It is recommended that proposals requiring Chancellor's Office approval go through the spring 2023 EPPC/Academic Senate Cycle in order to allow sufficient time for approvals and EM publication.  Every effort will be made to obtain approval for proposals submitted for the fall Academic Senate cycle, but publication in the 2024-2025 catalog cannot be guaranteed.

May 31, 2023

Deadline for all course changes (CPCRs) and minor program change proposals*. Submit proposals to Curriculum Services.  Proposals submitted after May 31 will be accepted but cannot be guaranteed implementation in the 2024-2025 catalog.

August 1-September 30, 2023

Cal State Apply accepting applications for spring 2024 (transfer students).

September 29, 2023

Advertising Deadline for Special Topics courses in order to be scheduled in time for the start of spring 2024 registration.

October 23, 2023

Continuing student registration begins for spring 2024.

November 27, 2023

Last day to email Memos of Intent and other required documents to the Intent Distribution List for the fall semester.  All responses to advertised material must be made by December 8, 2023.


In January and February, all catalog copy is finalized and readied for publication.

March 1, 2024

The 2024-2025 University Catalog is published and the next Academic Planning and Catalog Production cycle begins. 

* only minor program changes do not require EPPC/Academic Senate review.


Proposals for: new degrees, options, minors, and certificates; programs being discontinued; significant program revisions; name changes; reorganizations/moves must be submitted according to procedures outlined in the Academic Department Manual. Proposals must be submitted to Curriculum Services no later than May 31, 2023 for the 2024-2025 Catalog.

To be effective in the 2024-2025 Catalog, proposals can either move through the spring 2023 or fall 2023 Academic Senate cycle. For the spring Academic Senate cycle, proposals must be submitted to Curriculum Services no later than November 30, 2022. Any of the proposal types mentioned above that are submitted after November 30, 2022, and before May 31, 2023, will go through the fall Academic Senate cycle. There is a chance that proposals submitted late in the cycle will not be approved during the fall cycle.  Proposals requiring EPPC/Academic Senate review submitted after May 31, 2023, may not take effect with the 2024-2025 Catalog.

Note: Conceptual Abstracts for new degree programs (e.g., BS, MA) must be delivered to Curriculum Services, before November 30, 2022.

Minor changes to existing programs require marking up a copy of the current catalog description, reflecting clearly all additions, deletions, and changes to the program and narrative text. (See the Minor Changes section in the Academic Department Manual for complete instructions.) Consult with Curriculum Services (x4923) for mark-up procedures. Minor changes are due in Curriculum Services by May 31, 2023.

This document is the property of Academic Affairs and maintained by Curriculum Services.