Curriculum Services

Intent Procedure to Add, Delete, or Change Course(s)

Formatted Memo of Intent (PDF) 

Note: Contact Curriculum Services if there are questions about the content or format of the memo.

For all Memos of Intent:

Response due - Allow two weeks while regular classes are in session for advertising.
Distribute by e-mail using the Intent Distribution List.
Subject area of e-mail - Include course number and title after "Intent to . . ." (Include both numbers for cross listed courses.) 
Attach syllabus and New Course Proposal (if applicable) to e-mail.

Detailed Procedure:

  1. The proposer of the course completes a New Course Proposal (if applicable), Memo of Intent, and a syllabus.
  2. The forms and syllabus are vetted by the Departmental Curriculum Committee, the Department Chair, the College Curriculum Committee, and the Dean of the College where the course would be offered.
  3. The college office will distribute the New Course Proposal, Memo of Intent, and syllabus via the Intent list, and have two open weeks for discussion.
  4. Discussions should be conducted via the Intent list so that all participants are aware of the conversations. It is the responsibility of the college dean (or designee) of the department proposing the course to respond to any reservations or suggestions received. E-mails of all responses, reservations, or suggestions, with an indication of how the reservation was accommodated or resolved, should be forwarded to Curriculum Services after the two-week intent period.
  5. Should there be no resolutions to any objections made, either the objector(s) or the proposer(s) should contact the Curriculum Coordinator. The Curriculum Coordinator will then assemble an appeal committee of the following, who will make a final determination: The EPPC Chair, the EPPC Vice Chair, the Vice Provost for Academic Programs, the Dean of the College in which the course is situated, and the Dean of the College from where the objection originated. The Curriculum Coordinator may also be asked to join as a non-voting member.  As part of their deliberations, the appeal committee could utilize the entire EPPC to provide an advisory vote as to approve or reject the course.  The decision of the appeal committee is final and binding.
  6. All materials (New Course Proposal, Memo of Intent, and a syllabus with course-level student learning outcomes) are forwarded to Curriculum Services along with copies of any responses from the intent e-mail.

Valid or strong reasons to object to a course include but are not limited to the following:

  • No/extremely underdeveloped student/course learning outcomes
  • Insufficient work/assignments and/or contact time for the credits assigned
  • Existing course(s) that are similar in title, description, or scope
  • Unconvincing need for the course
  • Incomplete/unclear course description

Invalid or weak reasons to object to a class include but are not limited to the following:

  • Desire to have different readings/assignments
  • Personal objections to subject matter or instructor

As the process for approving new courses may take considerably longer than two weeks, it is highly recommended that the proposer begin the process as soon as possible.  More specifically, it is highly recommended that the proposer begin the process several weeks before registration begins in order to account for any objections to be worked out and for the accessibility office to complete its reviews.

Please note that before any new course can appear on the class schedule, it must be vetted byAccessible Technology Services (TEIN).  TEIN will need to review the materials required for the course and any associated software/technology to ensure that it will be accessible for all students.

This document is the property of Academic Affairs and maintained by Curriculum Services