The following courses have been approved as Major Course Substitutions*
BA Chemistry
- CHEM 381: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2014-spring 2016
- CHEM 401W: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2016
BA Journalism (Effective fall 2015)
- JOUR 460: for Upper Division Arts/Humanities (UD-C)
BA Liberal Studies (Effective fall 2019)
- ENGL 341: for Upper Division Arts/Humanities (UD-C)
- SCED 141: for Foundation Physical Sciences (B1)
- SCED 142: for Foundation Life Sciences (B2)
- SCED 343: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
- SOSC 302: for Upper Division Social Sciences (UD-D) *Effective through spring 2022
- HIST 333: for Upper Division Social Sciences (UD-D) *Effective fall 2024
BA Music:
- MUSC 304: for Lower Division Arts (C1)
BA Music Option in Music Education: (Effective fall 2015)
- MUSC 302: for Lower Division Humanities (C2)
- EDTE 451: for Lower Division Learning for Life (E)
- ENGL 471: for Upper Division Arts/Humanities (UD-C)
- EDTE 302: for Upper Division Social Sciences (UD-D)
BA Philosophy:
- PHIL 108: for Lower Division Humanities (C2) *Effective through spring 2019
- PHIL 201: for Lower Division Humanities (C2) *Effective through spring 2019
BFA Communication Design: (Effective fall 2019)
- ANTH 283: for Lower Division Social Sciences (D1)
BFA Musical Theatre: (Effective fall 2020)
- THEA 150: for Lower Division Humanities (C1)
- THEA 160: for Lower Division Learning for Life (E)
- THEA 352: for Lower Division Humanities (C2)
- THEA 354: for Upper Division Humanities (UD-C)
BS Agricultural Business:
- AGRI 482W: for Upper Division Social Sciences (UD-D)
- ANSC 101: for Foundation Life Sciences (B2)
BS Agricultural Science:
- AGRI 482W: for Upper Division Social Sciences (UD-D)
- ANSC 101: for Foundation Life Sciences (B2)
BS Agricultural Science Option in Agricultural Education:
- EDTE 451: for Lower Division Learning for Life (E)
- ENGL 471: for Upper Division Arts/Humanities (UD-C)
BS Animal Science:
- AGRI 482W: for Upper Division Social Sciences (UD-D)
- ANSC 101: for Foundation Life Sciences (B2)
BS Biochemistry:
- CHEM 381: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2014-spring 2016
- CHEM 401W: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2016
BS Biology: (Effective Fall 2015)
- BIOL 360: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
BS Business Administration: (Effective Fall 2021)
- BSIS 308: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
BS Business Information Systems: (Effective Fall 2021)
- BSIS 308: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
BS Chemistry:
- CHEM 381: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2014-spring 2016
- CHEM 401W: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2016
BS Civil Engineering
- CIVL 461: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2018
BS Computer Engineering: (Effective fall 2015)
- EECE 490AW: for Lower Division Learning for Life (E)
- EECE 490B: for Lower Division Social Sciences (D2)
BS Computer Information Systems:
- CSCI 217: for Lower Division Critical Thinking (A3) *Effective fall 2013
- CSCI 301W: for Upper Division Social Sciences (UD-D) *Effective fall 2013-spring 2019
- CSCI 301W: for Upper Division Humanities (UD-C) *Effective fall 2019
- MATH 217: for Lower Division Critical Thinking (A3) *Effective spring 2016
BS Computer Science:
- CSCI 217: for Lower Division Critical Thinking (A3) *Effective fall 2013
- CSCI 301W: for Upper Division Social Sciences (UD-D) *Effective fall 2013-spring 2019
- CSCI 301W: for Upper Division Humanities (UD-C) *Effective fall 2019
- CSCI 551: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2013
- MATH 217: for Lower Division Critical Thinking (A3) *Effective spring 2016
BS Concrete Industry Management: (Effective Fall 2013)
- CIMT 363W: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
BS Electrical/Electronic Engineering: (Effective fall 2015)
- EECE 490AW: for Lower Division Learning for Life (E)
- EECE 490B: for Lower Division Social Sciences (D2)
BS Environmental Science: (Effective fall 2015)
- GEOS 300: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective through spring 2019
- GEOS 370W: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2020
BS Geology: (Effective fall 2015)
- GEOS 580: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
BS Geosciences: (Effective fall 2015)
- GEOS 300W: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
BS Mathematics:
- MATH 217: for Lower Division Critical Thinking (A3) *Effective spring 2016
- MATH 330: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2015
BS Mechanical Engineering:
- MECH 340: for either Individual and Society (D1) or Societal Institutions (D2) *Effective fall 2017
- MECH 440B: for Lower Division Learning for Life (E) *Effective fall 2017
BS Mechatronic Engineering:
- MECH 340: for either Individual and Society (D1) or Societal Institutions (D2) *Effective fall 2017
- MECA 440B: for Lower Division Learning for Life (E) *Effective fall 2017
BS Nursing:
- PSYC 101: for Lower Division Social Sciences (D2)
- NURS 303: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
- NURS 475: for Upper Division Social Sciences (UD-D) *Effective fall 2021
BS Nursing RN-BSN Program:
- NURS 495W: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
- NURS 477: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B) *Effective fall 2018
BS Physics: (Effective Fall 2020)
- PHYS 492W: for Upper Division Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning (UD-B)
*Effective fall 2012 unless otherwise noted.
To apply to have a course considered as a Major Course Substitution, please complete the Major Course Substitution Application (PDF). Applications are accepted year round. See the Catalog Deadline page for the deadline to have the substitutions effective the next catalog cycle.
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