Curriculum Services

Minor Changes to Degrees, Options, Minors, and Certificates

These guidelines provide an overview of the procedure and guidelines for proposals. If the guidelines are unclear, or if your program has some unique characteristics that require special input, please contact Curriculum Services for undergraduate programs. Questions about of the type of proposal required (minor or significant change) should be directed to Curriculum Services for undergraduate programs and to the  Office of Graduate Studies for graduate programs.


Minor Changes

Minor change proposals are initiated through faculty and the Department Curriculum Committee, go to the Department Chair, and are referred to the College Curriculum Committee. The College Dean then reviews the proposal and forwards the change proposal to Curriculum Services or to Graduate Studies. Proposals missing approval signatures will be returned to the College.

Depending on the extent of the minor change proposed, any or all of the following may be required:

  • Referral and review by Academic Publications for adherence to catalog format and coordination with academic scheduling policy.
  • Referral and review by Academic Advising Programs for adherence to advising and evaluation policy.
  • Referral and review by Degree Audit Programming for DPR and Degree Planner programmability.

Minor program changes do not require review by Academic Senate or Chancellor's Office.

Note:  Minor program changes to options that are subject matter preparation programs should be made in consultation with the School of Education prior to submission. See EM 21-034.

Proposal Format for Minor Changes

  1. Provide a brief rationale for the change(s) and required signatures. Use undergraduate program form (PDF)credential program form (PDF), or graduate program form (PDF). Note: The form can be modified if more space is needed for the rationale or other items.
  2. Attach a hard copy of the program from the current  University Catalog with the changes clearly indicated in red.  See the Academic Program section of the current catalog for links to the programs.
    • Include the complete degree program if the changes are to a major or option.
    • When there are too many changes to clearly indicate with marked-up catalog copy, submit a new copy following catalog format and attach a hard copy of the current program with an "X" through the section being revised.
    • Indicate the mode of delivery for the program's courses if other than regular (e.g., distance, cooperative, intercampus, etc.)

This document is the property of Academic Affairs and is maintained by Curriculum Services.