Curriculum Services

Significant Changes to Degrees, Options, Minors, and Certificates

These guidelines provide an overview of the procedures and formats for proposals. If the guidelines are unclear, or if your program has some unique characteristics that require special input, please contact Curriculum Services.


Proposed changes of degree programs are divided into two categories, significant and minor.

Undergraduate Programs (majors and minors) and Certificate programs - contact Curriculum Services for determination of what type of change proposal is appropriate given the nature of the proposed changes.

Changes that may require a significant change proposal include

Graduate Programs preliminary inquiries: contact the Office of Graduate Studies for determination of what type of change proposal is appropriate given the nature of the proposed changes.

Note: Significant changes to subject matter preparation or credential programs should be made in consultation with the School of Education prior to submission. See EM 21-034

This document is the property of Academic Affairs and maintained by Curriculum Services