Research Interests
Dr. Kaczynski is an applied ecologist using science to answer questions related to resource management. She has been examining multiple disturbance interactions and effects on plant communities. Specifically, the roles of fire, browsing, and drought on community composition and decline of riparian and wetland communities, as well as methods for restoration.
Research Publications
Cooper, D.J., K.M. Kaczynski, D. Slayback, and K. Yager. 2015. Growth, production, and short-term peat accumulation in Distichia muscoides dominated bofedales, Bolivia, South America. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 47(3): 99-104.
Kaczynski, K.M. and D.J. Cooper. 2015. Post fire response of riparian vegetation in a heavily browsed environment. Forest Ecology and Management 338: 14-19.
Kaczynski, K.M. and D.J. Cooper. 2015. Determining the timing of willow shrub dieback using epicormic shoots. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 23(2): 319-323.
Kaczynski, K.M., D.J. Cooper, and W.R. Jacobi. 2014. Interactions of sapsuckers and Cytospora canker can facilitate decline of riparian willows. Botany 92: 485-493.
Kaczynski, K.M. and D.J. Cooper. 2013. The role of potential future climate change on willow dieback. Forest Ecology and Management 305: 223-228.
Research Areas
Climate, Ecology, Biodiversity, Water, Other