Center for Water and the Environment

Aquatic Bioassessment Lab (ABL)

Aquatic Bioassessment Laboratory (ABL)

The Chico Aquatic Bioassessment Lab (ABL) is part of a statewide initiative using abundance and distribution of aquatic macro-invertebrates as a bio-indicator of water quality in aquatic systems. The ABL provides extensive expertise in freshwater invertebrate taxonomy; data collection including targeted riffle and multiple habitat sampling of macroinvertebrates, fish and algae as well as associated physical habitat and chemical monitoring; and research focused on developing IBI’s for different regions in California, developing objective reference condition selection methods, and establishing quantitative tolerance values. Lab services include data collection, taxonomy, and research.

Current Projects

  • Statewide Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program to assess the quality of the state’s wadeable streams (EPA and the State Water Resources Control Board)
  • Aquatic Management Indicator Species (MIS) Monitoring in Sierra Nevada National Forests (US Forest Service)
  • Bioassessment field work in southern California and benthic macroinvertebrate taxonomy for field samples (So CA Coastal Water Research Project)
  • Bioassessment services, including water sample processing from original samples sorting organisms to major taxonomic categories. Clients are provided with a taxalist and set of biological metrics for all samples. (Multiple private, State, & Federal clients)

Related Links

Department of Fish and Game’s Aquatic Bioassessment Laboratory(opens in new window)

For more information, contact Dan Pickard, Aquatic Bioassessment Laboratory (530-898-5573).