Celebrating Black History Month
Making 60 Years of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
More information, including rain backup available at CatsConnect
Black Resistance, Black Liberation
Month Book Display
WEEKDAYS 7:30 AM–11:45 PM,
SUN 12–4:45 PM, SUN 12–11:45 PM
Cross-Cultural Leadership Center: Black Dinner and a Story
WED, FEB 7 • 5–7 PM • CCLC MLIB 172
Dinner & A Story is a time to come together as one community
and share your stories while getting to know one another.
Connect culturally with the CCLC while experiencing our family
culture and enjoy a three-course meal with intentional
Cross-Cultural Leadership Center: Block Party
THURS, FEB 15 • 5-8 PM • Student Services Center (SSC) Plaza
This Black Heritage Month, we’re having a Block Party.
Celebrate with the Black Student Union and the Cross-Cultural
Leadership Center. Free food, music, and culture.
Black Student Union: Victory in Unity
SUN, FEB 25 • 1:00 PM Rally, 3:00 PM Program
This year's Victory in Unity celebration, co-sponsored by the Black Student Union, MLK Group and others will honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and reflect on the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. The event will kick off in Wildcat Plaza with a rally at 1:00 PM-2:30 PM that will feature cultural performances. There will also be a resource fair at 1:30 PM-3:00 PM in BMU 203.
3:00 PM-4:30 PM – In the BMU Auditorium, Minister Charles Larry Coleman, second Vice President of NAACP Butte County 1029-B will be the guest speaker. There will be food afterwards.
Cross-Cultural Leadership Center: Annual Black Unity Brunch
TUES, FEB 27 • 11:00 AM-1:00 PM •Janet Turner Museum
Join the Cross-Cultural Leadership Center as we celebrate
culture, identity, and highlight students, faculty, and staff‑
within the Black community.