Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

TALK ABOUT IT! Dialogue about the 2020 Election

"Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it." — Susan B. Anthony

Wildcats Vote: Engage

October 20 at 12:30pm
Navigating the Election
Instagram Live
Facilitated by WellCat Safe Place
Audience: Students

October 22 at 1pm
Adulting 101- Maintaining relationships while engaging in controversial conversations
Audience: Students
For more information

October 23 at 11am – 12pm
Living Room Conversations(opens in new window)
Zoom Link(opens in new window)
Audience: Faculty and Staff

October 26 at 10-11am
Key Conversations during Election Season….and Beyond
Audience: Staff and Faculty
For more information

October 27 at 12:30pm
Women of Color Voting This Election
Instagram Live
Facilitated by WellCat Safe Space
Audience: Students

October 27 at 3 – 4pm
Engaging in Difficult Conversations While Listening with Compassion 
Audience: Faculty and Staff 
Zoom Link(opens in new window)

October 30th, 3:00-5:00 p.m. ET:  
Four-Quadrant Political Ideology Diagnostic Training. (Webinar)
Contact fourquadsorg@gmail.com 
Audience: Faculty and Staff

Wildcats Vote: Restore

WellCat Counseling Center Camp Fire Anniversary/Election Support
For more Information
Audience: Students

November 5 at 10-11am
Key Conversations during Election Season….and Beyond
For more information
Audience: Staff and Faculty

November 5 at 1-2pm
Holding Space: Unpacking the Election
For more information


Where’s My Ballot

Tracking your vote-by-mail ballot—when it is mailed, received, and counted—has never been easier. The California Secretary of State is now offering Where’s My Ballot?—a new way for voters to track and receive notifications on the status of their vote-by-mail ballot. Powered by BallotTrax, Where’s My Ballot?  lets voters know where their ballot is, and its status, every step of the way. Click here(opens in new window) to sign up


An interactive guide for figuring out how to vote on California's ballot measures. Click here(opens in new window) to explore.