Employee Assistance Program

Manager Assistance

Manager Consultations

Empathia counselors are experienced, licensed professionals who have specialized training in employee assistance consultation. The EAP is also a tool an administrator or manager can use when performance problems are a result of personal issues. Please contact Jim Hanlon, in the Human Resources Service Center for more information.

Tips for Managers

Empathia publishes quarterly newsletters for managers, called The Advisor, that provides helpful tips and information for supervising in the work place.

January Article


To view or register for a webinar

  1. Go to to mylifematters.com and log in using your company csuchico password. (Managers add a 2 after your company password.)
  2. Click Connect with Help section and under Program Website click Launch button. Link will open in a new window.
  3. Click on the “Services” tab in the upper right section of your screen. Then with the scroll bar in the lower middle portion of the page find "Webinars" in the menu of LifeMatters services.
  4. Click link to register or if pre-recorded or archived click link to view webinar.

Review prior webinars including.