Ways that the EAP office can help your school:
The Early Assessment Program (EAP) is a collaborative effort of the CSU, the California Department of Education (CDE), and the State Board of Education (SBE). The goal of this unprecedented partnership is to ensure that eleventh grade students are “on track” to meet college entry level standards in English and mathematics. Those students who do well on the EAP may earn exemption from the English and mathematics placement tests required of entering CSU freshmen.
- Meet with counselors and administrators annually during the fall semester to discuss updates to the Early Assessment Program and other CSU college-going initiatives, such as Early Start
- Coordinate the timely receipt and interpretation of test score with high schools, students, and counselors.
- Connect your teachers to CSU professional development programs in English Language Arts (Expository Reading and Writing Course) and Mathematics (Strengthening Mathematics Instruction).
- Advise on the adoption and implementation of the CSU’s full-year Expository Reading and Writing Course and new 7th-11th grade modules.
- Assist high school counselors in identifying and implementing appropriate senior year interventions for students needing additional assistance.
- Provide timely information in regards to updates to the Expository Reading and Writing Course curriculum and Early Assessment Program as related to the upcoming Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced assessments. This includes a bi-annual newsletter and as-needed consultation.
- Present CSU readiness information at Senior Nights, Parent Nights, and College Fair events.
CSU Expository Reading and Writing Course
A task force of high school and CSU faculty has developed the Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC), a full-year college preparatory English course for high school juniors or seniors. The ERWC aligns with the California Common Core State Standards, addresses critical reading and writing problems identified by the CSU English Placement Test Committee, and prepares students to meet the expectations of college and university faculty. The ERWC qualifies as a Senior Experience for Conditionally Exempt English students, and meets the area "b" requirement for both CSU and UC preparation.
To promote wide-scale adoption of the ERWC, the CSU and County Offices of Education are collaborating to provide professional development for English teachers at a variety of locations across the state. The four-day series includes all of the course materials, provides teachers with a theoretical understanding of the ERWC, outlines the benefits of the course for students and school personnel, and offers pragmatic strategies for using the course materials to teach each module. Although districts are responsible for the cost of substitutes, the workshops are free of charge for eligible teachers. Teachers of 11th- and 12th-grade English, as well as AVID teachers, are encouraged to attend.
To register for an upcoming ERWC workshop series in your area, please visit RegOnline.
CSU Mathematics Bridge Courses
The CSU Bridge Courses page lists mathematics/QR courses and projects working within California State University (CSU) focused on supporting mathematics and quantitative reasoning readiness among K-12, CSU, and community college educators. The projects in the CSU focus on (a) principles in preparing teachers for 12th-grade mathematics and/or quantitative reasoning, (b) content and pedagogical practices, (c) topics in mathematics and quantitative reasoning that develop and address K-12, community college, and CSU requirements. For more information about the options you can check the Bridge Courses page.