- EAP stands for Early Assessment Program.
- The EAP helps students determine their readiness to take college-level general education (GE) written communication and math/quantitative reasoning courses before attending a California State University (CSU), or one of the participating California Community Colleges (CCC).
- Gives students an early signal about their preparedness for college.
- If results indicate that students need support, students can adjust their senior year coursework to improve those skills.
- The EAP is completed as part of the required California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in English Language Arts/Literacy and mathematics.
- The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in English Language Arts/Literacy and mathematics is administered towards the end of the 11th grade during the spring. Students should consult with their school counselor for school specific dates.
- The EAP consists of English Language Arts/Literacy and mathematics.
- The EAP is free to all students.
- All 11th graders will participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in English Language Arts/Literacy and mathematics. EAP results are included on the CAASPP Individual Student Score Report provided by designated high school.
- Students can release their EAP results to California State University or California Community Colleges by simply marking the release button at the end of the test. It’s that easy! If students do not mark the release button, they will be required to submit their results at a later date.
- The results are only valid the year following high school graduation.
- EAP results are included on the CAASPP Individual Student Score Report provided by designated high school.
- There are free customized information, tools, and test preparation available online at the link below.