College of Engineering, Computer Science & Construction Management

Jobs & Internships

Find Your Path

Your first day at CSU, Chico quickly becomes the day of graduation. Start preparing today utilizing the tools of tomorrow.

Have you ever checked out Handshake for jobs or internships? Check out videos created by the Career Center and get your resume ready, prep for interviews, and draft your cover letter using the Career Handbook (PDF).

Software, IT & Electronics Career Fair: Wednesday, September 13, 11am-3pm, BMU Auditorium.

Academic Opportunities:

  • UC Irvine Mathematical, Computational, and Systems Biology is accepting Masters and PhD students for those interested in the biological, physical sciences, computer sciences, and engineering. Check out UCI (PDF) for further educational opportunities.

 Mariana Piluso

Have you met with Mariana yet?

Career Advisor
Liaison for College of ECC majors

Connect with Mariana
other career advisors!

Phone: 530-898-5253
Location: SSC 270