Department of Economics

Michael Suplita

  • Graduated: 2009
  • Field: Economic Development

Michael Suplita graduated in 2009. He is the acting project manager for the Center for Economic Development’s (CED) Business and Industry Assistance Program. He works directly with small businesses to help them identify their target market and then identify the size and economic and fiscal impacts of their markets. The services that his program provides allow companies to better allocate scarce resources and make more informed business decisions. His daily duties include assisting businesses in preparing economic feasibility studies, economic impact studies, and conducting demographic research. He oversees a research staff of three and has had as many as five researchers working on a given project. Michael said that “My position allows me to conduct economic research in multiple areas. I have done work for housing developers, rodeos, mining companies, airports, storage facilities just to name a few. In addition to my business assistance duties, I also work with Native American Tribes to conduct economic development planning.”

Frank Quintero finished his B.A in economics in 1987. He serves as the City of Merced’s Director of Economic Development(opens in new window). He also oversees the City’s downtown revitalization and Merced Visitor Services programs. Other duties for Mr. Quintero include managing the City’s Housing Division working with the University of California Merced. Mr. Quintero is the City of Merced’s point of contact for business recruitment, retention, and expansion.

Portrait of Michael Suplita