Emeritus and Retired Faculty and Staff Association

Ann Pyeatt


College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Construction Management

Administrative Analyst/Specialist for College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Construction Management; first Clerical Assistant for Computer Sciences Department (under College of Professional Studies); Department Secretary for CSCI and then secretary to the Dean of Applied Sciences.

Major contributor to the original College AOA Network group which shared ways to improve procedures mandated by various campus policies; group became pro-active and represented their colleges by helping set policies and smoothing out numerous processes.

Honored as the “Outstanding Staff Employee of the Year” in 1987.

Organized for many years the ECC graduation celebration in Laxson Auditorium and subsequent dinner out on the Kendall Hall lawn for families of her College’s graduates.

Coordinated the College of ECC’s effort for the annual campus Christmas Needy Children’s project in conjunction with Butte County Social Services (involved “adopting” up to 10-12 children annually and shopping for them).

Three-year member of Team Wildcat at the Chico community Relay for Life sponsored by the American Cancer Society.

Community involvement:  Chico Lioness Club as a member of their board and Past President over her 10-year affiliation; Board member and Guardian Treasurer of Bethel 326 (Chico) of International Order of Jobs Daughters (Masonic organization for girls) for six years during her daughter’s affiliation.

Musical contribution to our community through membership with Sounds of the Valley (originally Chico Sweet Adelines, part of SA International); served four years as President and is currently Vice President; honored as “Sweet Adeline of the Year” in 2009.

Portrait of Ann Pyeatt