Earth and Environmental Sciences (ERTH)

Graduate Students

Current ERTH Graduate Students

First NameLast NameDegree ProgramAdvisor
Abbey BozzaEnvironmental Sciences (MS)John Knowles
EvanHoeftGeosciences (MS)Russell Shapiro
IsraelMartinez-ContrerasGeosciences (MS)Hannah Aird
GunnerMichaelsonEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Kristen Kaczynski
ClaireMonahanEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Kristen Kaczynski
SeanNiesGeosciences (MS)Russell Shapiro
MaggiePierceGeosciences (MS)Hannah Aird
JessicaPorteraEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Sandrine Matiasek
JonathanSchwedeEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Sandrine Matiasek
MatthewTowneGeosciences (MS)Hannah Aird
KenjiWatanabeGeosciences (MS)Russell Shapiro

Recent Graduates

First NameLast NameDegreeGraduatedAdvisorThesis title
AllenLaGrangeEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Spring 2018Kristen KaczynskiWet Meadow Vegetation Community along a hydrological gradient after passive restoration, Southern Cascades, CA
JaySmartGeosciences (MS)Fall 2018Ann Bykerk-KauffmanStructural geology of the eastern Carrizo Badlands, north of the Coyote Mountains, southern California
AlexandriaThorntonEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Fall 2018Kristen KaczynskiModeling the risk for phytophthora ramorum with an anthropogenic focus in northern California
CabEspositoGeosci: Hydrology/Hydrogeo (MS)Spring 2019Steffen MehlEffects of projected land use change on water resources in the California central valley
BrandonErtisEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Summer 2019Carrie MonohanUsing LiDAR, ArcGIS, and on-the-ground data collection to describe geomorphometric characteristics of hydraulic mining features in the Yuba River watershed
JohnKelleyGeosciences (MS)Summer 2019Carrie MonohanHydraulic mining sedimentation in the Willow Creek Watershed, Yuba County, CA
TravisMooreGeosci: Hydrology/Hydrogeo (MS)Summer 2019Carrie MonohanShallow subsurface groundwater flow paths and metal contamination in the Malakoff Diggins hydraulic gold mine pit
HarpreetBattherGeosciences (MS)Spring 2020Russell ShapiroThe biogeochemistry of Devonian barite deposits in the Roberts Mountains Allochthon, Nevada
MadisonBrandtEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Spring 2020Carrie MonohanBiochar as a soil amendment: reduction of mercury transport from hydraulic mine debris
IanBrinkmannEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Spring 2020Adrienne EdwardsDittrichia graveolens, an invasive weed in exotic habitats: Implications for management
AlexisLopezGeosciences (MS)Spring 2020Hannah AirdParagenesis of the mooonlight (IOCG) deposit, Taylorsville district of the Plumas County copper belt, CA
HannahWeinbergerEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Spring 2020Kristen KaczynskiA plant recovery trajectory survey and the restoration of fire lines in the Southwestern Cascade Foothills, CA
AmandaErlingGeosciences (MS)Summer 2020Todd GreeneStratal geometry and depositional environment of the Tuscan Formation along Highway 32 ridge of the Big Chico Creek Canyon, CA
GlennHoffmannGeosciences (MS)Summer 2020Todd GreeneA detailed analysis of the depositional history of the Tuscan formation in the Richardson Springs quadrangle
JohnWardGeosci: Hydrology/Hydrogeo (MS)Summer 2020Carrie MonohanSediment source analysis at Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, Nevada County, CA
MattBerryEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Spring 2021Carrie MonohanWetland indicator plant species and water table recovery following restoration in a montane meadow, Northern California
JohnMachadoEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Fall 2021Sandrine MatiasekSources and transport of particulate associated metals following the 2018 Camp Fire 
BradyDerickGeosciences (MS)Spring 2022Russell ShapiroLinking barite paragenesis to ore quality in the Stratiform Barite of the Upper Devonian Slaven Chert, central Nevada
MatthewMayerEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Spring 2022Kristen KaczynskiAn analysis of Dozer line impact on local vegetation in the Klamath Mountains Bioregion
IraSalamonGeosciences (MS)Summer 2022Ann Bykerk-KauffmanStructural Geology of the Carrizo Mountain Area, Coyote Mountains, southern California
Claire-MarieKooiGeosciences (MS)Fall 2023Kristen Kaczynski

Environmental justice education module: impacts on students' self-efficacy

EvanDavisGeosciences (MS)Fall 2023Todd Greene

A petrographic analysis and analog outcrop investigation to refine the stratigraphy of the Tuscan Aquifer System, Northern Sacramento Valley, CA

JaclynDeloachEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Spring 2024Carrie Monohan

Soil condition response to meadow restoration in Red Clover Valley, Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA, USA

AdilSyedEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Spring 2024Sandrine MatiasekCompost filter sock and straw wattle retention of post-wildfire runoff contaminants
NicholeHadler-MarsdenEnvironmental Sciences (PSM)Spring 2024Todd GreeneExploring pre-anthropogenic baselines: a geomorphic analysis of Butte Creek using LiDAR data and ArcGIS Pro to inform on excavation and deposition strategies
EdenPikowskiGeosciences (MS)Fall 2024Russell ShapiroPaleoecology of Early Cretaceous serpentinite diapir hosted hydrocarbon seeps of Blue Ridge, Colusa County, CA
Jay ThomasEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Fall 2024John KnowlesPlant-water status response to environmental variability in irrigated almonds, California, USA
StaceyAlexanderEnvironmental Sciences (MS)Fall 2024Sandrine MatiasekEffects on storm frequency on metal and nutrient removal from synthetic stormwater in biofilters