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Note-taking is a skill that can be critical in the retention and success of undergraduate students. Meta-analysis of effects on learning suggests that note-taking has a relatively strong effect on student learning outcomes (Marzano 1998).
As with any skill, note-taking needs to be learned and developed over time. Since there are usually no courses in “note-taking” in K-12 institutions, students should be explicitly supported in developing this skill in discipline-based courses (Kiewra 2002). Considering that writing conventions and academic language vary significantly from the field of study to the field of study, it makes sense that students will learn a significant amount of their note-taking strategies during coursework. By explicitly planning to support students in their note-taking, more equitable opportunities for academic success will be accessible to all students.
Examine selected research on multiple representations.
Marzano, R. J., Pickering, Debra., & Pollock, J. E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works : research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Marzano, R. J. (1998). A theory-based meta-analysis of research on instruction (Vol. 10). Aurora, CO: Mid-continent Regional Educational Laboratory.
Jansen, R.S., Lakens, D., & IJsselsteijn, W. A. (2017). An Integrative Review of the Cognitive Costs and Benefits of Note-Taking. Educational Research Review. 22 (November 2017), 223-233. in new window)
Haydon, T., Mancil, G. R., Kroeger, S. D., McLeskey, J., Lin, W. J. (2011). A Review of the Effectiveness of Guided Notes for Students who Struggle to Learn Academic Content. Preventing School Failure, 55(4), 226-231. in new window)
Holland, B. R. (2017, November 27). Beth R. Holland. Note Taking Editorials - Groundhog Day All Over Again. in new window)
Kiewra, K. A. (2002). How Classroom Teachers Can Help Students Learn and Teach Them How to Learn. Theory into Practice, 41(2), 71–80. in new window)
Ready to apply note-taking supports to your teaching? Here are some ideas and strategies to get you started:
List ideas or strategies for application and outline of implementation steps.
Comparison and relationship models such as Venn diagrams and concept maps(opens in new window).
Effective Note-Taking in Class (opens in new window) (UNC) 6 Strategies for Taking High-Quality Notes (opens in new window) (Edutopia) What’s the best, most effective way to take notes? (opens in new window)(The Conversation) | Note-taking: A Research Roundup(opens in new window) (Cult of Pedagogy) | Improving Cornell Notes with Sketchnoting (opens in new window) (Verbal to Visual) | The Active Learning Classroom(opens in new window): Strategies for Practical Educators (Creekmore & Deaton) Factors of Effective Note-Taking: Application of Cognitive Load Theory (opens in new window) (The Learning Scientists) |