Meriam Library(opens in new window)
Faculty Affairs and Success (FAAF)(opens in new window)
Accessible Technology Services (TEIN)(opens in new window)
A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) is a faculty group that collaborates during a break, semester, or year-long program, toward completing specific objectives and deliverables. All FLCs are structured to provide discussion, learning, and development of relevant teaching practice, scholarship, and community building.
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: Online and asynchronous
Payment: $500 taxable training and professional development stipend
Funding Source: Chancellor's Office
Contact: Beth Shook(opens in new window)
Want to decrease course costs for students? And at the same time provide students high quality and accessible course materials? Participate in an asynchronous Canvas training designed to help faculty identify and evaluate Open Educational Resources (OER) and other free or affordable materials for your course(s). Faculty who complete the online training, including developing a cost-savings plan to be implemented in a Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 course, will earn $500 in taxable income. Faculty will also be eligible to participate in a paid Summer 2025 project to revise, remix or create OER for your course.
Canvas modules will cover the following topics: OER and why are they important, copyright and Creative Commons licenses, finding and evaluating OER, library resources, adapting & creating materials for your course, teaching with open resources, the Zero Cost Course Materials (ZCCM) designation, and working with the bookstore on low-cost options including Immediate Access.
Call for Applications (Google Doc) | Applications are closed.
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: Online on Fridays with one in-person meeting
Payment: $500 taxable training and professional development stipend
Funding Source: Special Allocation from State Legislature
Contact: Zach Justus(opens in new window) and Joseph Morales(opens in new window)
The Office of Faculty Development and the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are collaborating to offer a webinar series designed to empower instructors in the classroom and elevate our campus conversations about critical issues. Faculty will receive training in free speech basics, de-escalation, and be introduced to campus support systems. We will also have space for discussion of ongoing issues like changes to the Time, Place, and Manner policy and emergent issues on/off campus.
This series is appropriate for all faculty whether you regularly engage in high-stakes discussions or don’t have them as part of your curriculum, but want to be prepared.
Call for Applications (Google Doc) | Applications are closed.
Who: Program Cohorts of Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers (one application per program).
Format: Online and Asynchronous
Payment: $750 taxable training and professional development stipend
Funding Source: FDEV and Chancellor’s Office
Contact: Allison McConnell(opens in new window)
The Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Program is an asynchronous, self-paced Canvas course structured around the QLT evaluation rubric. This QLT course is designed to meet core standards in the QLT instrument through the completion of eight modules with associated deliverables that guide you to fully redesign a course (or design a new course). Topics and deliverables focus on backwards design, student engagement, authentic assessment, inclusion and accessibility, and more. This QLT course requires a final course review. While focusing on online learning, QLT provides a framework that is applicable to all modes of instruction.
Call for Applications (Google Doc) | Applications are closed.
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: In Person
Payment: $500 taxable training and professional development stipend
Funding Source: FDEV with facilitation by Undergraduate Education
Contact:Sue Peterson(opens in new window)
Join colleagues in discussing challenges, opportunities, and strategies specific to teaching students in their first year of college. This FLC will be helpful for faculty who teach primarily 100-level courses in the major, 100-level GE courses, or any other course aimed mainly at first-year students. Plan to learn about research-supported teaching strategies for transitioning students, cognitive challenges for the first-year student, strategies for communicating with first-year students, how to develop realistic and supportive expectations for the classroom, and identifying campus partners to help you and your students succeed.
Call for Applications (Google Doc) | Applications are closed.
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: TBD
Payment: NA
Funding Source: NA
Contact:Chris Fosen(opens in new window)
Our goal is to help group faculty form ad-hoc writing teams that will meet regularly through the spring semester to work on writing projects, and provide as much structured support for the groups as they would like.
Who is running this thing: Chris Fosen (ENGL) is helping to organize this with support from Zach. How involved Chris is depends on your needs: he’s willing to meet regularly with your group, share ideas and resources, and facilitate discussion–or not do any of that, perhaps just checking in every once in a while to see how things are going. People have mentioned they like the Shut Up and Write model we’ve offered in the past and that’s definitely an option here.
Why should I sign up: This program is a good fit for you if you have a writing project you are working on but need a system of peer support and dedicated time to get on track.
How rich am I going to get by participating: so rich! This is an unfunded program. We are experimenting with an alternative format to try and support faculty in a different way. We will be assessing this model to figure out how viable it is moving forward.
When are the meetings: We will figure that out when we get feedback from you. We will do our best to build networks that work for everyone.
Any other perks: FDEV will host an end of the semester get together for those who participated in the project to have some coffee/tea, a snack, and share some of what they’ve been working on. As a group we’ll talk about how it went and what might be improved next time.
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: In Person on Wednesdays March 12, 26, and April 2.
Payment: None - we will make sure you have the book.
Contact:Laura Nice(opens in new window)
Join us to discuss the 2024-2025 Book in Common, Our Migrant Souls: A Meditation on Race and the Meanings and Myths of ‘Latino’ by Héctor Tobar (so you are ready to attend Tobar's campus talk on April 10). This deeply engaging and relevant text is “a direct address to the young people who identify or have been classified as ‘Latino’… [that] decodes the meaning of ‘Latino’ as a racial and ethnic identity in the modern United States, and gives voice to the anger and the hopes of young Latino people who have seen Latinidad transformed into hateful tropes and who have faced insult and division—a story as old as this country itself. Tobar translates his experience as not only a journalist and novelist but also a mentor, leader, and educator. He interweaves his own story, and that of his parents’ migration to the United States from Guatemala, into his account of his journey across the country to uncover something expansive, inspiring, true, and alive about the meaning of ‘Latino’ in the 21st century" (publisher description).
Fill out the interest form(opens in new window).
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers
Format: In Person from 12-1pm on Wednesdays February 5, March 5, April 9, and May 7.
Payment: None - we will make sure you have the book.
Contact:Zach Justus
This group is built around the landmark book Teaching with AI by José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson. Bowen and Watson are leading figures in teaching and learning. Their latest book is the preeminent how-to guide for understanding AI and teaching/learning. The book club will meet in person from 12-1pm on Wednesdays February 5, March 5, April 9, and May 7 in the Rose Garden to explore the book. Each meeting will be a facilitated discussion about the chapters.
Format: Online January 6-9, 2025
Who:All Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturer Faculty
Funding: FDEV
Payment: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Contact: Zach Justus(opens in new window)
FDEV, TLP, and campus partners are thrilled to offer our popular AI Retrofit this January 6-9, 2025. This completely online intensive gives faculty the tools, space, and time to carefully consider key questions about AI and their instruction. Teaching writing in a world with AI will be the focus (STEM version coming in May). We are updating the material right now, but you can view this previous schedule (Google Doc) to get an idea of the structure. The work is guided by best practices and experienced facilitators, but faculty will need to make the decision about how to adapt their work to this new world. The previous versions have some of the highest assessments of any programming we have offered. Applications were due on December 13th at 11:59 p.m.
Call for applications (Google Doc) | Applications have closed.
Leads: Teresita Curiel(opens in new window) and Gloria Lopez(opens in new window)
Grant Contact:Sabrina Marquez(opens in new window)
Who: All faculty including lecturers
Payment: $1000 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: In person
This Fall 2024 project is partially funded by a generous U.S. Department of Education Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) grant from PI Ryan Patten, College of BSS. We are happy to collaborate on this important work. This FLC will feature connected workshops focused on better understanding Hispanic/Latinx university students and how Chico State can advance their success. Applications are due on 9/3 at 11:59 p.m.
Call for applications (Google Doc) | Applications have closed.
Contacts: Chunyan Song, Cindy Vang(opens in new window), Will Nitzky(opens in new window)
Who: All lecturers, tenure-track, and tenured faculty members of APIDA heritage or those who are engaged or interested in APIDA-related teaching or research activities.
Payment: $500 (professional development funds will be transferred to your department)
Format: In person or online meetings.
The Chico State APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) Initiative is now accepting proposals from faculty for two areas of funding support. This initiative aims to enhance course development and foster professional growth among APIDA-identifying faculty members or faculty members working on APIDA-related scholarship.
Call for proposals (PDF) | Applications have closed.
Lead:Dr. Nan Li
Who: All faculty including lecturers
Payment: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Online and Synchronous
International Education and Global Engagement (IEGE) is offering faculty an opportunity to participate in a Faculty Learning Community (FLC) this fall to support with implementation of Collaborative Online International Education (COIL) as a component within your course at Chico State. IEGE offers support—training, mentoring, resources, and partner matching—for faculty members who wish to develop a virtual exchange experience with a faculty member(s) abroad, connecting students globally to project-based learning and valuable international opportunities. Applications are due on 9/3 at 11:59 p.m.
Call for applications (Google Doc) | Applications have closed.
The Office of Faculty Development and the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are collaborating to produce a webinar series on Free Speech and Inclusion. The purpose of the series is to better equip faculty to navigate contentious issues during times of heightened political tension. You are welcome to attend any/all sessions, but we have funding to provide 20 people with $500 in compensation for attending all sessions and producing a series of deliverables.
Want to know more? Review the full call (Google Doc). Applications have closed.
Lead:Holly Nevarez(opens in new window)
Who: Tenure/Tenure-Track and Lecturers currently in/considering leadership roles on campus
Payment: $500 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: In person
The Fall 2024 leadership FLC will introduce leadership styles and strategies. This FLC is designed for people who lead from wherever you are. Perhaps you are not a formal leader on campus, but find yourself leading other staff or students; perhaps you would like to be a formal leader someday and want to start to develop skills; or perhaps you are going to be a department Chair next year and want to start preparing. In any of those scenarios, this FLC is for you. We will talk about staffing, shared governance, facilitating meetings, managing difficult people, work to develop a leadership philosophy and more. Applications are due on 9/3 at 11:59 p.m.
Call for applications (Google Doc) | Applications have closed.
Lead: Allison McConnell
Who: All faculty including lecturers
Payment: $750 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Online and Primarily Asynchronous
The Fall 2024 Quality Learning and Teaching (QLT) Program is an asynchronous, self-paced Canvas course structured around the QLT evaluation rubric. This QLT course is designed to meet core standards in the QLT instrument through the completion of eight modules with associated deliverables that guide you to fully redesign a course (or design a new course). Topics and deliverables focus on backwards design, student engagement, authentic assessment, inclusion and accessibility, and more. This QLT course requires a final course review. While focusing on online learning, QLT provides a framework that is applicable to all modes of instruction. Applications are due on 9/3 at 11:59 p.m.
Call for applications (Google Doc) | Applications have closed.
Lead:Jamie Gunderson(opens in new window)
Who: All STEM faculty, including lecturers (CNS and ECSCM)
Payment: $1880.00 (a taxable training and professional development stipend)
Format: Online and Synchronous
The CSU Chico Office of Faculty Development (FDEV) is thrilled to present an NSF-funded Faculty Learning Community (FLC) dedicated to implementing teaching strategies that enhance student learning in STEM disciplines. This FLC invites participants to delve into Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to design assessments and implement activities that foster inclusion, accessibility, engagement, and student success within their courses for the 2024-2025 academic year.We strongly encourage all STEM faculty to apply. Applications are due on 9/3 at 11:59 p.m.
Call for applications (Google Doc) | Applications have closed.
We heard from some folks about their desire for writing support this semester so we are offering this experimental program. Our goal with this is to help group people up into ad-hoc writing teams that will meet regularly through the fall semester, and provide as much structured support for the groups as they would like.
This is not really an application, we will take anyone who is interested, but we are asking folks to complete the sign-up by 9/3 at 11:59pm so we can match people up ASAP. Sign ups have closed.
Who is running this thing?: Chris Fosen (ENGL) is helping to organize this with support from Zach. How involved Chris is depends on your needs: he’s willing to meet regularly with your group, share ideas and resources, and facilitate discussion–or not do any of that, perhaps just checking in every once in a while to see how things are going. People have mentioned they like the Shut Up and Write model we’ve offered in the past and that’s definitely an option here.
Why should I sign up?: This program is a good fit for you if you have a writing project you are working on but need a system of peer support and dedicated time to get on track.
Will I be paid to participate?: No, this is an unfunded program. We are experimenting with an alternative format to try and support faculty in a different way. We will be assessing this model to figure out how viable it is moving forward.
When are the meetings?: We will figure that out when we get feedback from you. We will do our best to build networks that work for everyone.
Any other perks?: FDEV will host an end of the semester get together for those who participated in the project to have some coffee/tea, a snack, and share some of what they’ve been working on. As a group we’ll talk about how it went and what might be improved next time.