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Here we are: Not much left but the emergency extra credit requests. I hope it has been a gratifying year, whether you teach one class, have just started on the tenure track, or have been here long enough to have known some of those new colleagues when they were your students.
Just two reminders today:
It’s been my pleasure to act as Interim Director of Faculty Development this year, not least because I got a good view of the incredibly varied and innovative work of my colleagues across campus. We have too few opportunities for literary scholars to work with management experts, volcanologists with political scientists, education theorists with engineers. It’s been rewarding to see this happen in CELT workshops and conference sessions, Article-Writing FLCs, Women’s Leadership Roundtables, Academy e-Learning cohort meetings, and in the many informal conversations I get to listen in on here in MLIB 458. Watch for more opportunities for this kind of connection-making next year, when I look forward to rejoining you as a full-time member of the faculty.
* Authored by Dr. Katherine McCarthy.