Become a Paraplanner
Do you want to be a financial planner?
- What is a Paraplanner?
A Paraplanner is someone who works with a financial planner to help provide information and financial planning services to clients. Similar to a paralegal who works with a lawyer, a paraplanner works with a financial planner.
Our role is designed for a Chico State student who is looking for an opportunity to learn more about financial planning or pursuing a financial planning career after graduation.
- What are the requirements to be a Paraplanner?Paraplanners must be enrolled in FINA 454 or have already completed FINA 454 when they begin working. We call this a Co-Requisite. FINA 454 is our upper division financial planning course.
- What topics will I advise on as a paraplanner?
Our Para-Planners meet with clients to review and create financial plans, provide financial information related to budgets, debts, credit, and many other personal finance topics including referrals to other on campus services such as Basic Needs, VITA or CLIC. If hired, candidates will be trained in how to provide this information.
- How many hours do paraplanners work?Students who work on campus are limited to 20 hours a week by university policy. We can often accommodate a full 20 hour work week for students, but specific hours are dependent on the amount of work available.
- How much do paraplanners make?The university has a pay scale for student employees. The current pay scale can be found here.(opens in new window)
- How will I learn about financial planning topics?
Students aren't always comfortable talking about financial topics, especially if they've never experienced the issue themselves. We hold an in-depth training session near the end of summer break, and more sessions throughout the semester to help you understand financial planning topics.
Our paraplanners are taught to follow the CFP® 7 Step Financial Planning Process(opens in new window).
- How do I apply?Email with your resume. Please use the subject line "Paraplanner application"