Financial Wellness Clinic

What to Expect

What to expect on your first visit

Whether you visit us in person or via Zoom meeting you’ll be assigned a peer para-planner(opens in new window). Our para-planners are senior finance students who have been specially trained to help people with their financial needs. Your assigned para-planner will ask you some questions about your financial goals and concerns, and will work with you to develop a plan to meet those goals and address your concerns.

We often meet with people who are having a hard time with their finances. You don't need to be embarrassed or ashamed if you are experiencing high levels of debt, a low income, or having a hard time finding food or shelter. Our team will help you create a plan and identify some steps you can take to improve your financial life.

Common concerns that students discuss with us include:

  • Unable to afford rent
  • Unable to afford food
  • Unemployment
  • Too much credit card debt
  • Concerns about student loan repayment
  • Concerns about legal issues
  • Concerns about banking and savings
  • Too many bills or cost of living is too high
  • Plus many more