2030 Master Plan / Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
The CSU, Chico Master Plan provides a visionary framework to guide short and long-term growth of the campus. The Master Plan, which will see us through 2030 and beyond, has gone through a transparent 18-month process, where we evaluated the current physical condition of facilities, open spaces, and infrastructure to identify goals and recommendations to enhance the overall physical campus environment in the future.
The Master Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) addresses the environmental effects associated with the implementation of the physical Master Plan. An EIR is a public document designed to provide the public and local and state governmental agencies with an analysis of potential environmental consequences to support informed decision-making. The 45-day public review and comment period of the Draft EIR was August 12, 2020 – September 25, 2020 (see Notice of Availability).
A live virtual Town Hall was held to provide an overview of the Master Plan and the Draft EIR (see Town Hall EIR Presentation).