Selvester’s Café-by-the-Creek (SELV) is a specialty use building available for general campus use and is reserved through Facilities Reservations. There are two rooms that can be reserved – SELV 100 (Cap 144), and SELV 104 (Cap 25).
Selverster's Hours: 8AM-8PM
SELV rooms are “as-is” rooms. You are able to move the furniture around to suit your needs; however the furniture must be returned to the original configuration at the end of the event.
The furniture is to stay in the respective rooms. Please do not remove or swap.
SELV 100 (Cap 144)
This is the default Study Hall location for campus. Events can be scheduled by completing the Conference Room Request Form in Astra for staff/faculty reservations or student groups can meet with a Student Life & Leadership (SLL) paraprofessional who will submit on their behalf. A few days before the event, it is recommended that a sign be posted outside the room to let folks know that the room is reserved with the date and timeframe. Room use information is also included along with a layout for the furniture at the completion of the event.
The actual room capacity is 144 however the existing furniture is about half that.
Existing Furniture:
- Table and Chair Seating – 72 (18 tables & 72 chairs)
- Couch and End Chair Seating – 20
- 1 Rack of Folding Chairs – 45
Extra equipment can be requested to meet the actual room cap – requires at least 15 working days notice.
- 27 folding chairs
- 12 6’ folding tables
- Select Add Resources in the reservation form for availability
*Note total furniture adds up to 164, however typically couch and chair seating is pushed to the side and not functional during larger events.
SELV 104 (Cap 25)
This room is on the side of the building along the creek. The existing furniture does accommodate 25.