Following the approval of EM 19-021, the Curriculum Advisory Board (CAB) has planned a number of public events in 2019-20 to implement required changes to the GE Pathways Program, and as significant changes to academic programs all changes to the GE Minors will require a full senate process in Spring 2020. Together, Chico State students, faculty and staff are collaborating in the construction of a revised GE Program (this list will be updated throughout the year).
Consultation resulted in significant campus feedback, which has guided CAB's implementation of EM 19-021.
- June 4: Career Center
- July 11: Students in Cross-Cultural Leadership Center and First-Year Experience
- July 23: Undergraduate Education Directors
- August 20: Campus Advising Collaborative
- August 22: Office of Admissions
- August 23: History Department
- August 27: Communication with Deans and Associate Deans
- August 29: EPPC
- August 30: Student Senate
- September 4: Campus Forum Announcement in The Orion
- September 5: Students in Cross-Cultural Leadership Center
- September 5: All Announce email from the Provost and Vice Provost
- September 6: Tribal Relations
- September 6: Students (peer mentors) in REACH
- September 6: Chairs' Council
- September 6: Department of International Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
- August 21-September 9: Pathway Coordinator (all 10 Pathways) emails to faculty teaching in Fall '19
- September 9: Campus Forum Student Announcement and Employee Announcement
- September 10: Campus Forum: Exploring GE Pathways Possibilities
- September 10-September 20: Campus Forum Online Survey
- September 11: Campus Forum update (email) to Academic Senate and Associated Student Officers
- September 12: University Diversity Council working group on Social Justice, Diversity and Inclusion Across the Curriculum
- September 12: Online Survey Student Announcement and Employee Announcement
- September 12: Campus Forum Student Focus Group: University Housing Resident Advisors and Students
- September 13: Campus Forum Student Focus Group: Study Abroad Peer Advisors
- September 13: Department of English
- September 13: Department of Kinesiology
- September 13: Department of Nutrition and Food Science
- September 13: Department of Sociology
- September 17: Online Survey and Focus Group All-Faculty email from Dean of Undergraduate Education
- September 17: Campus Forum Student Focus Group: Academic Advising Student Interns
- September 18: Campus Forum Student Focus Group: Student Veterans
- September 18: Campus Forum Student Focus Group: Student Athletes
- September 19: Campus Forum Student Focus Group: Cross-Cultural Leadership Center
- September 19: Academic Senate Announcement of Online Survey closing on September 20
- September 19: Survey of employers at Engineering Career Fair
- September 20: Campus Forum Faculty Focus Group: 8-9 AM, SSC 466
- September 20: Department of Multicultural and Gender Studies
- September 25: Survey of employers at Business Career Fair
- September 26: College of Engineering, Computer Science and Construction Management Curriculum Committee
- September 27: Student Senate
- September 29: Survey of 240 students in over 50 majors
- October 4: Department of Anthropology
- October 11-18: Student Survey
- October 11: Email update to all faculty teaching a GE course in Fall 2019 including link to student survey
- October 11: Email update to Academic Senate Officers and Department Chairs including link to student survey
- October 14: Student Survey advertised as a Student Announcement
- October 15: Meeting with Current and Former Pathway Coordinators (2012-2019)
- October 18: Department of Music and Theatre
- October 21: Meeting with Current and Former Diversity Studies Pathway Coordinators and University Diversity Council Workgroup Chairs
- October 31: Forms emailed to Chairs of all Departments that offer one more more GE course(s)
- October 31: Update to the Academic Senate Officers.
- October 31: EPPC Information Item
- November 1: Chairs' Council
- November 7: Department of Comparative Religion and Humanities
- December 31: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- December 20-January 31: Outreach to Department Chairs and College Deans
- January 10: College of Business Associate Dean
- January 14: Provost Academic Council, Meeting with College Deans and Associate Deans
- January 21: Call for GE Course Proposals sent to Department Chairs and College Deans
- January 28: Notice of Ongoing Call for GE Course Proposals sent to All Faculty
- January 28: College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Dean and Associate Dean
- January 30: Academic Senate Information Item (February 3 CAB subcommittees announced)
- February 3: Public CAB subcommittee meetings
- February 4: CAB GE Minors Discussion Item
- February 11: CAB GE Minors Introduction Item
- February 20: EPPC Discussion Item
- March 5: EPPC Discussion Item (March 6 CAB subcommittee announced)
- March 6: Chairs' Council (March 6 CAB subcommittee announced)
- March 6: Public CAB subcommittee meeting
- March 10: CAB GE Minors Action Item
- April 13: GE Minor proposals (to be considered in Fall 2020) published online and emailed to Department Chairs
Please note: Departments listed above have requested a CAB presentation, and any department (or college, office, etc.) is encouraged to request a CAB presentation if desired.