General Education


Why Have General Education Program Level Assessment?

General Education is more than a collection of courses; it is an academic program. Like all academic programs, GE needs to be periodically reviewed to ensure that it is current, meeting its goals, efficient, and contributing to rigorous student learning. A major goal of GE revision at Chico State was to create a General Education program with clearly articulated learning outcomes that can serve as a means of programmatic assessment, as well as to create an institutional structure – through Pathway coordinators and CAB – that can lead assessment efforts. 

GE Program Learning Outcome Assessment, 2018-Present

In response to the five-year review, Chico State aligned its new GE Program Learning Outcomes with the WASC Core Competencies ( re-identified in all GE courses from Fall 2022), which meant adding Information Literacy as a Learning Outcome, and changing some of the 2012-18 learning outcomes to GE values.

GE Program Five-year Review, 2017-2018

GE Program Learning Outcome Assessment, 2012-2018

Following the launch of a revised GE Pathways Program in 2012,  ten learning outcomes ( identified in all GE courses (PDF)) were regularly assessed.

GE Program Assessment before 2012