Geography and Environmental Studies Department

Scholarships & Awards

On Campus Opportunities

The department has five scholarships specifically awarded to Geography and Environmental Studies students each year. These are the Dustin Granville Memorial, Clif Sellers Memorial, Meuter/Swor Memorial, David Lantis, and Margaret Trussell scholarships. Amounts of these awards and scholarships range from about $400 to as much as $3,000.

To be eligible for any scholarships, a student must fill out an application with the University Financial Aid and Scholarship office(opens in new window).

Robert and Bobbé Christopherson Geosystems Award

Applications for the Robert and Bobbé Christopherson Geosystems Award are now being accepted from students in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.  Up to two $500 awards will be awarded to geography majors for a GIS project, research paper, or map on any aspect of applied geospatial environmental studies, including climate change and sustainability.  The awardee(s) will be required to present the work at the BSS Annual Student Research Symposium, California Geographical Society Annual Spring Conference or other public venue. The award will recognize the top two student papers, maps or projects.  Students are required to submit their paper, project or map (or advanced draft) to advisor, professor or department chair. For application information or questions, please email the Scholarship Chair: Dr. Noriyuki Sato at or Department Chair: Dr. LaDona Knigge at

Dustin Granville Memorial Scholarship

The Dustin Granville Memorial Scholarship is awarded once a year to an outstanding geography major who has a sincere interest in sustainability and is involved in sustainable/environmental efforts on campus or in the community. This scholarship was established by family and friends who wish to remember and honor Dustin by providing support to Geography and Environmental Studies students at California State University, Chico.

Warren & Maritza Nelson Geography Scholarship

Warren Nelson (BA '72, MA '80) put himself through school by mowing lawns. He knows firsthand how hard it is to succeed when balancing studies and a job to make ends meet. Warren built a career as a financial advisor and decided to create the Warren and Maritza Nelson Geography Scholarship to help students succeed (adapted from the Chico Statements 2010). He also wishes to acknowledge the influence Geography and Environmental Studies Professor Bruce Bechtol had on his desire to study Geography and learn the natural resources that our lands provide. Dr. Bechtol passed away March 18,2016.

Clif Sellers Memorial Scholarship
The scholarship endowment has been established by the family of Clifford Robert Sellers in his memory. A product of Chico schools, Clif completed his degree in Geography from CSU, Chico in 1976. He served the Chico community for 25 years, retiring in December of 2006. Clif loved Chico's natural resources and one of his favorite projects, which supported the City's 1994 General Plan, was the acquisition of the South Rim acreage in Upper Bidwell Park.
Meuter/Swor Memorial Scholarship

The Meuter/Swor Award is given once a year to a student at any level, undergraduate or graduate, who has demonstrated both excellence in academic work and who has also helped the Department and the discipline of geography through leadership in student or community organizations and extra-curricular activities.

David W. Lantis Scholarship

The David W. Lantis Geography Scholarship is awarded annually to the outstanding CSU, Chico geography senior. Professor Lantis was a founding member of the department and a major figure in the geography of California.

Margaret Trussell Scholarship

The Margaret Trussell Scholarship remembers a pioneering woman who was a faculty member of our department. The award is given to an outstanding and involved geography student.

Off-Campus Opportunities

Consider off-campus opportunities. Scholarships or awards are often offered by professional groups in order to support the budding careers of deserving students.