Geography and Environmental Studies Department

Advanced GIS Final Project Posters

Below are projects completed by students in Advanced GIS. Please note that as they are student projects, they may not comply with all accessibility standards.

Marshall McCrary and Kelly Barrow - "Flood Evacuation Network Plan within the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Boundary (PDF)"

Jose Torres and Jonas Chanh - "Chico Energy Plan: Commercial Parking Area (PDF)"

Dexter Nelson, Gabriel Strelecki and Chris Stoll - "CSUC Wildcat Basketball Stadium (PDF)"

Marco Torres and Rebecca Mangin - "Clusters of People Living Below the Federal Poverty Level by Census Tract (PDF)," "Clusters of Minorities by Census Tract (PDF)," "Clusters of People with a Bachelor's Degree by Census Tract (PDF)"

Adam Black and John Doolittle - "Solar Panel Initiative (PDF)"

Catalina Llanos and Casey Chin - "Spatial Analysis of the Distribution of Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents and their Proximity to Alcohol Outlets in Chico, CA (PDF)"

Alexander Puentes - "Analysis of Potentially High Fire Risk in Butte County, CA (PDF)"

Gretchen Foster - "Northern California Railroad Analysis (PDF)"

Dustin Freitas and Kelsey Mudd - "Potential Heliport Locations for Emergency Response in Upper Bidwell Park (PDF)"

Sally Grant and Kerra Jessen - "Potential Locations for a Homeless Encampment in Chico, CA (PDF)"

Jake Martin - "A Critical Analysis of Optimal Foraging Theory: Does Prey Choice Model Withstand Intensive Environmental Pressures? (PDF)"

Nancy Lor and Lisa McCandless - "Suitable Location Analysis for Community Recreation Center in Western Nevada County: Grass Valley and Nevada City (PDF)"

Colin Pryor and Michael Techler - "Determining Spatial Distribution of Toxicodendron diversilobum (PDF)"

Nicholas Reid - "Water Transfer Effect on Sacramento Valley Groundwater (PDF)"

Aaron Belcher and Paul Strange - "Coliforms and E. coli in Big Chico Creek (PDF)"

Dan Lucero and Garin Wally - "Status Clusters of CSU Chico Applications: Fall 2013, Coastal Southern California (PDF)"

Jamison Binowski and Alex Fearn - "Analysis of Snow Pack in Big Chico Creek Watershed (1990-2008) (PDF)"

Ted Cahill and Jonathan Correa - “Aspect, Slope, and Wind Relationships with Burn Severity (PDF)

Lyell Griswold and Max Hartsock - Forty Year Fire Analysis of Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks (PDF)

Marilla Baker - Investigating Post-Fire Archaeological Site Vulnerability: A Multi-Component Approach (PDF)

Catherine Davis - Viewshed Analysis of Betty’s Hope Sugar Plantation, Antigua, West Indies (PDF)