Below are projects completed by students in Advanced GIS. Please note that as they are student projects, they may not comply with all accessibility standards.
Marshall McCrary and Kelly Barrow - "Flood Evacuation Network Plan within the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Boundary (PDF)"
Jose Torres and Jonas Chanh - "Chico Energy Plan: Commercial Parking Area (PDF)"
Dexter Nelson, Gabriel Strelecki and Chris Stoll - "CSUC Wildcat Basketball Stadium (PDF)"
Marco Torres and Rebecca Mangin - "Clusters of People Living Below the Federal Poverty Level by Census Tract (PDF)," "Clusters of Minorities by Census Tract (PDF)," "Clusters of People with a Bachelor's Degree by Census Tract (PDF)"
Adam Black and John Doolittle - "Solar Panel Initiative (PDF)"
Catalina Llanos and Casey Chin - "Spatial Analysis of the Distribution of Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents and their Proximity to Alcohol Outlets in Chico, CA (PDF)"
Alexander Puentes - "Analysis of Potentially High Fire Risk in Butte County, CA (PDF)"
Gretchen Foster - "Northern California Railroad Analysis (PDF)"
Dustin Freitas and Kelsey Mudd - "Potential Heliport Locations for Emergency Response in Upper Bidwell Park (PDF)"
Sally Grant and Kerra Jessen - "Potential Locations for a Homeless Encampment in Chico, CA (PDF)"
Jake Martin - "A Critical Analysis of Optimal Foraging Theory: Does Prey Choice Model Withstand Intensive Environmental Pressures? (PDF)"
Nancy Lor and Lisa McCandless - "Suitable Location Analysis for Community Recreation Center in Western Nevada County: Grass Valley and Nevada City (PDF)"
Colin Pryor and Michael Techler - "Determining Spatial Distribution of Toxicodendron diversilobum (PDF)"
Nicholas Reid - "Water Transfer Effect on Sacramento Valley Groundwater (PDF)"
Aaron Belcher and Paul Strange - "Coliforms and E. coli in Big Chico Creek (PDF)"
Dan Lucero and Garin Wally - "Status Clusters of CSU Chico Applications: Fall 2013, Coastal Southern California (PDF)"
Jamison Binowski and Alex Fearn - "Analysis of Snow Pack in Big Chico Creek Watershed (1990-2008) (PDF)"
Ted Cahill and Jonathan Correa - “Aspect, Slope, and Wind Relationships with Burn Severity (PDF)”
Lyell Griswold and Max Hartsock - “Forty Year Fire Analysis of Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks (PDF)”
Marilla Baker - “Investigating Post-Fire Archaeological Site Vulnerability: A Multi-Component Approach (PDF)”
Catherine Davis - “Viewshed Analysis of Betty’s Hope Sugar Plantation, Antigua, West Indies (PDF)”