Graduation Initiative

CSU Team

The Chancellor Office (CO) Team consists of four energetic, dedicated, and forward-thinking individuals who are committed to the project’s success. The Team is responsible for overall management of the Graduation Initiative and is charged to support the campuses as they pursue and fulfill their goals. Each team member has communication tasks with the campuses, participate in planning workshops and campus visits, and develop reports to the Chancellor, the Board of Trustees, and the Executive Council

Ephraim Smith Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer Ephraim Smith Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer 

Jeff Gold Director of Academic Technology Service Jeff Gold Director of Academic Technology Service 

 Robyn Pennington Director of Quality Initiative Robyn Pennington Director of Quality Initiative 

Ken O'Donnell State University Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Policy  Ken O'Donnell State University Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Policy 

Strong project management will be critical to the success of this initiative. To help maintain momentum, track progress, assist with problem solving, and encourage consistent and meaningful communication, CO Team members are serving as liaisons to groups of CSU campuses as follows:

CSU Campus Liaisons

Jeff Gold

Ken O’Donnell

Robyn Pennington

Los Angeles

Channel Islands


Maritime Academy




Dominguez Hills



East Bay


San Francisco


San Bernardino


Long Beach

San Jose


Monterey Bay

San Luis Obispo

San Diego

San Marcos