One of the most important tasks of the Chico Graduation Initiative Team is to monitor and analyze the national and statewide thinking on factors affecting student success and timely graduation. Here you will find links to the national literature on student success, including many articles from the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Education as well as sources such as The Education Trust. A good place to start with the national literature is the article, “Who Gets to Graduate” by Paul Tough that appeared in the New York Times magazine and the PowerPoint “Access to Success” by The Education Trust. You’ll also find articles on black and Latino student success, first-generation student success and low income student success, consistent with our efforts to close all graduation gaps.
The CSU/Statewide links contain documents related to the CSU context, including examples of student success plans from several CSU campuses. You might find these interesting to compare with Chico’s Long-term Student Success Plan found at the Chico State link. The Chico State link also has our campus and College graduation targets, and other documents of interest.
We will continue to post items of interest. Check back frequently for updates on ideas and actions in support of student success.