The Thesis Editor will check the document to make sure it meets specific University format set by the Office of Graduate Studies and for publication on the Chico Digital Repository (CDR). Every thesis and project that has been approved by the Office of Graduate Studies since fall 2009 is available here. Again, you are entertaining writing a thesis or project, we urge you to visit the CDR as soon as possible.
What the Thesis Editor and Advisor Will Do for You:
- Provide a preliminary edit one month prior to the deadline for culminating activity. Here is a link to the form that must be submitted electronically to the Thesis Editor.
- Enforce the final format of all theses and projects per one of the two options:
- Disciplines may follow the existing University format as specified in the Guide to Graduate Studies. Thesis editor will provide preliminary edits and advice while approving the final format of document submitted by graduate students in their respective disciplines, and then meet with the Dean for final approval and his signature. Each discipline choosing this option will continue to select their department style guide that students use to format their in-text citations, all tables, captions for figures and tables, and the reference list at the close of each chapter.
- Disciplines may choose to select a format consistent with professional publications in their area for the body of text (e.g., formatting the chapters and reference section”. However, specific University format requirements must still apply to the pre-text pages, as well as other format requirements that must be met per the Office of Graduate Studies requirements.
- Hold office hours and meet with students and/or faculty to advise about the thesis/project writing process, University format, organization, copyright matters, deadlines, forms, policies, and submission procedures. Contact to set up an appointment.
- Present a series of thesis/project writing and academic writing/research workshops throughout the year and, upon request from faculty, present these workshops to various classes.
- Formatters will work with the thesis editor on special formatting issues or unusual material.
- Ensure that all check-sheets signed by all members of the candidate’s graduate advisory committee, and turned in with the student’s final document, are compliant with the following Graduate School requirements:
- Copyright releases for all borrowed material have been acquired.
- Human Subjects in Research clearance procedures have been followed.
- No plagiarism issues exist in the document via a Turnitin report or other comparable program.
- Ensured that the Non-Print Media Review Committee has reviewed and approved the submission of a non-print media project to accompany the final written master’s project.
- Option 1 requirements have been met.
- Option 2 requirement have been met.
- Approve the final format of each document submitted by graduate students and ensure that all University specific formatting rules have been adhered to.
Academic Writing Workshops
The Thesis Editor and Advisor has recorded a series of workshops set-up in a linear way to guide the student through every step of writing the thesis or project. Click here for a complete list of the workshops (PDF). Videos of the workshops are available on this Regional and Continuing Education Video Web page(opens in new window).
Preliminary Review
- Theses/Projects may be submitted to the Thesis Editor and Advisor for preliminary review of thesis draft. Click here for the form that must be electronically submitted to the Thesis Editor (PDF).
- Contact and schedule meeting with Thesis Editor for writing and format instruction.
- Call or email Thesis Editor in advance to schedule appointment as his time: don’t wait until the last minute.
- Preliminary edits are ONLY offered approximately four weeks prior to each semester deadline: mark your calendar.
- Draft MUST reflect your best effort to meet university and departmental format requirements.
- Complete drafts or sections of draft may be submitted as long as in a timely manner.
- Drafts may be submitted for more than one preliminary review per deadline.
- Documents submitted to the Thesis Editor will be returned either via email or here for pick up in the Office of Graduate Studies
- If using formatter, you do not need to submit your documents to the Thesis Editor for a preliminary review.
(If you need special accommodation to access any documents on this page, please contact the Office of Accessible Technology and Services.)